Status: Re-Write of Summer Wine

The Best Deceptions


Clouds hung heavy with the promise of snow, it was nothing new though. I was excited, the past few years I’d grown to miss the snow.

”Ow! You asshole!” Mige yelled as he rubbed the place where Linde’s snowball collided the back of his head.

I stopped to giggle, big mistake.

“Gotcha!” Ville said as he pulled me down into the foot of snow that blanketed the ground.

“Now I’m wet, you jerk!” I whined as I tried to stand up. It failed due to his grip on my waist.

He snickered as did Mige and Linde. I thought for a second, why are they laughing. Then it hit me, they’re laughing because they’re perverts.

“You dickheads, I didn’t mean it that way!” I said as I finally got to stand up. I dusted the snow from me. I felt a hand touch my butt. I looked down to see a very mischievous look on Ville’s face.

“You had snow on your butt.” He grinned wildly.

“I did not.”

He smiled, “I thought I saw some.”

I rolled my eyes at the memory. He’d long since removed the dreadlocks that inhabited his head and I’m glad for that. He was much too handsome for them. I pulled into the parking lot, right underneath the sign that read “Adult XXX”. My face turned beet red at the sight.

I got out of the car, locked the doors and stepped inside the building. I was bombarded by the sight of dildo’s, everything needed for bondage, and a wide array of porn.

“Hey!” Ville’s friendly voice greeted me. He noticed the uncomfortable look on my face and smiled sympathetically.

“We won’t be here long.” He whispered in my ear.

“Good.” I smiled.

“Aw! Sarah!” Anita squealed as she engulfed me in a hug.

“Hello.” I said as I patted her back, wishing there was a release button somewhere so I could escape from the bone crushing embrace.

She let go of me, stepped back and looked me over, “It’s so nice to see you back here. We all missed you.” As she said this she nudged Ville, causing his cheeks to turn bright red.

“Alright, I think that’s enough.” Ville said and pushed his mother away playfully. She smiled and waved goodbye as she went into the back room.

“Let’s go, before this gets even more awkward.” Ville laughed, placed his hand on the small of my back and led me out of the shop.

“Your car or mine.” I asked only to receive a blank stare.

“Uh, I take taxis?” He said with an awkward smile.

I laughed, “Okay, I’ll drive.”

I watched as he pushed the sleeves up on his button up shirt. I admired his tattooed arms. I shook myself back to reality and unlocked the doors. I stepped inside the vehicle, sat down and buckled my seatbelt.

Ville climbed inside and slammed his door closed..

“Okay, I need directions sir.” I smiled as I backed out of the dingy parking lot.

“I can do that.” He beamed.

I have to say, I’m excited for all this alone time with him. He’s the same person I knew all those years ago, seems like.

A few miles later we arrived at his ‘house’.

“Welcome to the tower.” He said as I parked the car. I pulled my keys out of the ignition and stepped outside.

He wasn’t joking, it was a tower of castle like proportions. I closed the drivers side door and locked them.

“Let’s go before we get flocked.” Ville said as he glanced around him.

“You’re really famous aren’t you.” I asked as I followed him inside. I stepped inside and Ville quickly closed the door behind me.

“I don’t like to think of it that way, but yeah.” He didn’t seem to happy with the fame he’d gained.

“I’m proud of you guys. I never thought you’d go anywhere.” I admitted then clamped my hands over my mouth. I stood there wide-eyed and scared.

Ville laughed vigorously, “You were all ‘You can do it!’ but you really thought we couldn’t? That‘s funny.”

I removed my hands, bit my lip and smiled.

“Sure did.” I smiled now that I knew he wasn’t angry.

“You’re something else.” He said as he walked into the living room. It was covered in taxidermy animals and random artifacts.

“So can I hear your music sometime?” I asked, he instantly stopped what he was doing.

“No.” He said quickly.

Okay, better not ask that again.

He sat down on the couch and sighed, “I didn’t mean to be sharp with you.”

I sat next to him, “It’s okay.”

“I just don’t want you to hear it yet. It’s refreshing to know someone who doesn’t think of me as a self loathing bastard.” He cracked a grin.

“Okay, so you want to wait until I know you’re a self loathing bastard then show me your music to confirm?” I asked, earning a sarcastic smile from him.

He smiled at my joke, “No, it‘s just most people I meet want something from me.”

I twisted my lips as I thought, I want something from him. But it‘s something done with pure intentions.

“I understand.”

“So, yeah, what I need you too help me with…I need a woman’s touch.” He said softly as he looked around the room.

My eyes became huge, “What?” He can’t honestly want a woman’s touch that bad.

He smacked his forehead, “I mean that I need a woman to help me do this.”

“Uh…” I said awkwardly.

He groaned, “I need you to help me because you’re a woman and I can’t do it myself.”

I bit my lip and fought back a laugh, “Can’t you hire a “special” kind of woman for that?”

He broke out in an animated laugh, he laughed so hard he fell backwards onto the couch, his chest heaving with every rough smile emerged from his lungs, “Dear God, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I wanted you that way, not that I don‘t think you‘re attractive, because you are, but not that I want to…”

His cheeks were beet red and he was rambling on and on trying to climb his way out but he was really digging himself a hole.

I laughed, “I know what you mean.” I decided stopped him before he dug himself a hole so far he couldn‘t get back out.

“I need help learning to keep my house running. It doesn’t seem that I’m going to find someone who will help me with that. So I thought, why not get someone who knows me better than anyone to help me learn this shit. I want to do it myself.” He said, exasperated.

“I can do that.” I smiled happily.

“Okay, so we should start with bills first right?” He asked, completely clueless.

“If you want to keep your electricity on and your cell phone working, yes.” I said as I watched him reach over the arm of the couch and pull out a box filled with miscellaneous white envelopes.

He sat them on the coffee table and grinned wildly, “I’m messy.”

I smiled the childish demeanor held in his voice. I patted the top of his head.

“We’ll fix it.” I said as I dug into the box.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title Credit: Snowblinded by Kill Hannah
I thought this chapter was kind of not that great. Haha!
But the next ones are gonna be really great.
I'll probably update again tonight.

: ]