Gerard's Little (Big) Secret

Oh, Babies are just in the air, aren't they?

I don’t know why I drank that much. It was probably the stupidest decision to ever be made. Okay, no, the stupidest decision to ever be made was to come to a party, intending on getting laid by my boyfriend, and forgetting protection. Yep, that was stupid.
Even stupider than those two decisions, was to decide to get laid anyways, even though I can bear children. Which is what I’m doing right now. “Mm, Frank,” I mumbled against his lips. “I need you. Right. Now.” He grins, and tears my jeans off, along with his, slamming me against the bathroom wall. Oh, we’re kinky, aren’t we? He thrusts into me, but I’m too drunk to feel the pain. Instead, it’s all friction. And it feels damn good.

“Mm,” I moaned, rather loudly, as I came closer to my breaking point. Not even two minutes later, screams were probably heard all throughout Jersey. “FUCK!” I breathed. He grinned, as we laid down on the tile floor, the coolness of it giving me chills after just being so warm.

“I love you,” He whispered, as we got dressed.

“I love you too Frankie,” I kissed his lips, and we walked out, trying to desperately fix our bed hair—or, well, sex hair, I suppose.

We spent two more hours talking to Bert and the rest of the people at the party, before going home, and crashing.


Morning is usually when realization hits me. Like, if I danced on the tables last night. After I finish puking, and take three Advil, I remember what I did the previous night. And usually, the flashbacks aren’t pretty. I don’t know what made me think these flashbacks would be any better.

”OH MY GOD!” I screamed, rather loudly.

“Gee,” Frankie groaned, coming into the kitchen. “My head hurts bad enough,” He muttered, kissing my cheek, and grabbing a cup of coffee. “Ugh.” He wrinkled his nose. “Cold.”

“You took mine.” I glared at him angrily. He gave a cheesy grin, and set the cup in the microwave, putting it for 30 seconds. It beeped then.

“Okay, I’ll just get more then,” I muttered, pouring another cup, and putting it in the microwave to warm up.

“I gotta get ready for work,” Frank announced, after drinking three cups of coffee, and taking three Advil. He kissed my cheek once more, and I did my best not to cringe. How do you tell your boyfriend that you can bear children, and there might be a chance you’re pregnant?


After Frank left for work, I sat down on the couch, and dialed my mom’s number. I could pretty much talk to her about anything, and I liked that. “Hello?”

“Mom?” I asked.

“Oh, hello Gerard dear, how’re you?”

“Not good,” I said through tears. “I messed up.”

“What do you mean you messed up?” She asked, seemingly concerned.

“I…I was really drunk…and…stuff happened, and…we forgot to you know…be safe.”

“GERARD!” She shrieked. “Do you know how dangerous that is?”

“What should I do?” I already knew the answer. There was a 50/50 chance that I could be pregnant. We both knew that.

“You should tell Frank about everything,” She chided me. “You know he needs to know.”

“But…Mom, I don’t know how to tell him.” I whined.

“Find a way Gerard,” She said gently. “Just…find a way.” And she hung up. That was no help.

I sighed, and got up, starting the laundry, and the dishes. It was ritual for me and Frankie. When one person had the day off, they did laundry and dishes, and vice versa when the other had the day off. They also had to choose and cook dinner. We liked it that way. It was organized, and neat.

After all chores were done, I called my brother Mikey, and asked if he wanted to meet up for lunch, since we hadn’t spoken in a few days. He accepted, and we agreed to meet at the nearby McDonald’s. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my keys, and drove out to the restaurant.

“Hey,” Mikey greeted, smiling, and giving me a hug.

“Hey Mikes. How’s everything going?”

“Mm…okay,” He shrugged.

“How’s Alicia?” He blushed, and muttered something I couldn’t hear.

“Say that again?” I asked, arching an eyebrow.

“She’s pregnant,” He muttered.

Oh, babies are just in the air, aren’t they?...