Gerard's Little (Big) Secret


After eating at my mom and dad’s house, Frank and I left his Tracker at their house, and drove home in my Suburban. “Tired?” I asked Frank, who rested his head on the window, staring at the blurs of houses.

“A little. The store was busy today, and your family gave too many hugs,” He giggled. I pulled into the apartment parking garage, and locked the car doors as we got out.

Whilst we made our way to the apartment, we talked some more. “We’ll need a bigger place in a few months,” I said, looking over at Frank as he unlocked the door.

He looked up at me, and smiled. “I can get a hold of a realtor tomorrow or something,” He shrugged. “We have almost six months to worry about that.”

“Takes a while to get a house babe,” I chuckled, turning on the lights in the apartment, and looking around.

“I don’t think this will be big enough,” I continued. “Just…you know, because I want the baby to have room to play and stuff.”

“Yeah.” We sat on the couch, after turning the rock station on the radio, and hanging our coats up. It was sort of chilly for being October, and I stared at the fireplace.

“We should start a fire,” I said randomly, as Frank gently lifted my arm up, snuggled into my side, and then draped my arm back over him. I looked down and kissed his forehead lightly.

“I will in a minute. Let’s just snuggle for now,” He said softly. He closed his eyes, and I stroked his hair lovingly, while running the other hand over my stomach.

“Do you have any ideas for names yet?” He asked, eyes still closed.

“I have one for a girl,” I said mindlessly.


“Annabella Elena,” I smiled. He looked up at me.

“That’s adorable. I love it,” He said, grinning. “It sounds so original, I’ve never heard of Annabella before.”

“Eh, I just added a twist to Annabelle,” I shrugged. “I hate the cliché names, so I figured I’d give my child one that’s…not.”

Frank nodded. “I have one for a boy,” He said.

“Don’t tell me it’s Frank,” I giggled. He glared at me.

“I like Frank,” He said. “I don’t see a problem with it.” I shook my head.

“You wouldn’t. Come on, let’s forget starting a fire, and go to bed, I’m tired anyways,” I stood up. “And what was your name.”

“It wasn’t exactly original,” He shrugged. “But I liked Adrian Hayden,” He said. I gave another smile.

“I like it too. We’ll find out in another month and a half.” He stood up with me, and we walked into our room.

“Do you have off tomorrow?” Frank asked me, as I turned the shower on. We both undressed and climbed in.

“Yeah, Jeph was scared I had the flu, and said he’d cover for me. And then Lizz said I was pregnant.”

“She did?!” He asked, eyes wide.

“Well, not directly,” I said, pouring shampoo into my hair as he washed off. “More liked joked about it, and then led Jeph to believe that she was pregnant.”

“Yeah? And how’d he take that?” He asked, focusing on rinsing himself off, and washing his hair.

“Not so well.”

….We finished showering and climbed into bed, me snuggling into Frank’s chest, and yawning. He had David Letterman on, and was watching it with the volume low while I slowly drifted off to sleep.

“I love you,” I heard him whisper, before I was off in dreamworld.


I jumped. “What the fuck?!” I yelped, glancing wildly around, just as Frank did. He stood up, and pulled on a pair of boxers before walking out into the living room, but not before telling me to stay where I was.

I sat on the bed, fearing what could happen, scared of every noise and movement made, until a minute later I heard, “Mikey! You fucking ass!” Come from the living room, and threw the blankets back, putting boxers on and running into the living room.

Mikey sat on the couch, tears staining his face, and Frank looking sympathetic, and angry at the same time. “What? What happened?” I asked, putting a shirt I found in the laundry basket on.

“Mikey broke in,” Frank said, sounding ready to laugh, and ready to punch Mikey. I stared at them both.


“Alicia and I had a huge fight,” He said miserably, sniffling a little. “She said I only asked her to marry me because of James.”


“The baby,” He smiled briefly. “We found out he was a boy just two days ago.” I patted his shoulder, just as his smile faded once more. “Anyways, I asked her to marry me tonight—or, last night, it’s four in the morning—and she started fighting with me about it. It last until just two hours ago,” He looked at the clock.

“Where were you for that time?” I asked him blankly.

“Anywhere. Everywhere. I just drove,” He whispered. “We broke up Gee!” He sobbed. My eyes widened, just as Frank’s did, and we looked at each other.

“I n-needed a p-place to say,” He stuttered out, continuing to cry. I hugged him tight.

“You’re welcome here in the spare room for as long as you want Mikes,” I said, and Frank nodded.

“Sorry about b-breaking in, your spare key wasn’t working.”

“We got the lock changed last week and forgot to switch,” I said. “Come on, you need sleep, and so do pregnant people.” His eyes widened in remembrance.

“Fuck! I’m sorry Gerard!”

“It’s okay dude,” I chuckled. “Spare room, now. I’ll make some hot chocolate and bring it in, kay?”

“Okay,” He nodded, and walked off. Frank sighed, collapsing against the couch.

“He scared you, didn’t he baby?” I asked, pecking his lips, before walking into the kitchen. I heard Frank mutter a yes, and make movement on the couch to grab the blanket and pillow and lay down.

I made hot chocolate and topped it off with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, with a peppermint stick, for both me and Mikey, before bringing it to his room.

He sat on the bed, hugging his knees to his chest, as I handed him the mug, which he took gratefully. “So, she just, kicked you out?” I questioned softly. He nodded.

“She said she didn’t want to do it anymore. So she kicked me out. And I just let her,” He whimpered, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. I patted his shoulder, and kissed his forehead in a brotherly manner, before standing up with my hot chocolate.

“Things will get sorted out Mikes, you know they always do. For now, get some sleep. The TV is in the armoire if you want to watch it. Remote’s on the end table. Good night.”

“Thanks Gee-Gee,” He whispered, calling me my nickname from when he was just five or six.

“Always,” I whispered, and flicked the light out, as he crawled under the covers.

In the living room, Frank lay on the couch, sound asleep, snoring softly. “Always baby,” I whispered, kissing his forehead, and pulling the blanket up over his shoulder so he didn’t freeze. “I love you.”

But there was no way I was getting a back ache from sleeping on that couch with him.