Status: Completed

What The Hell? ... Frank Iero?

HIt Me Baby One More Time

I was staring at the clock on the wall of the decrepit, old classroom, bored out of my skull, waiting for the last few minutes of History class to pass by before I could get out of there. The sound of the bell was the answer to my prayers, I almost jumped out of my seat because I was so eager to go. I was walking down the hall to my locker when I couldn't help hearing muffled shouting, I thought nothing of it until I reached my locker and the shouting became louder.

“HELP! Come on, this isn't funny!” Was what I heard coming from my locker.

“Erm ... hello?” I said quite warily.

“Can you get me out of hear please?” was all I could hear so I entered my combination and ended up in a heap on the floor with the person who was inside. I looked up to see a guy with longish dark brown hair with a lip and nose ring and breath taking hazel eyes.

“Thank so much for getting me out of there” he said whilst brushing him self off.

“Anytime” I said “By the way, what were you doing in there?”

“Oh well I was just curious as to what was inside some random girls locker,” he said sarcastically, making me giggle “No, actually some guys shoved me in there cause they seemed to think it was funny.” he said, feeling embarrassed by the truth, but also a little angry.

“Well it’s a good thing your not too tall or that could have really hurt, your kinda the perfect height for the lockers, as am i.” I said

“Thanks, I think.” he said, I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was blushing. “I’m Frank by the way, Frank Iero, and you are?” he said softly

“I’m Helena, nice to meet you” I said extending my arm to his, he shook it gently. “I’ve gotta go to English now, maybe I’ll see you round sometime” I said shutting my locker, with out him inside this time.

“Okay, see ya” he waved before disappearing off down the hallway. After school that day I walked home with my best friend, Mikey, as always, I had been friends with the Way brothers, Bob and Ray since we were in 3rd grade and we usually hang out together every night. We walked in the front door and collapsed on the couch, out of breath from chasing each other for the last stick of gum I had in my pocket.

“Hey guys!” exclaimed Gerard, making me jump, I attempted to wave back but my hand just sorta flopped in the air. “Doll, I’ve got someone I’d like you to meet” he said, using his pet name for me, I then saw a familiar face walk in the room, it was the same face that jumped out at me when I opened my locker earlier.

“Helena, this is ...” I cut him off mid sentence.

“Frank?” I pretended to guess, smirking.

“Okay, either you are really good at guessing or I’ve told you earlier but I was too drunk to remember.” Gerard said confused.

“Neither, well actually the second option is quite possible,” I said with a giggle knowing that Gerard usually drinks a lot of alcohol on most days “No, we kinda met earlier, I found him in my locker”

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Frank said, looking embarrassed.

“Well that brings back memories doesn't it Helena?” Gerard said knowing it would set me off with a fit of blushing. Right on cue my cheeks turned a light red colour.

“What do you mean?” asked Frank obviously confused.

“Well, when Helena was in the first year of high school she used to get shoved into lockers or got picked on for no reason, that is, until we found out, we taught them a lesson” Gerard said almost proud of himself for beating 15 year old to a bloody pulp.
We carried on just talking about random stuff until we got bored and needed something to entertain us for a while.

“ I know!” screamed Gerard “let play 21 dares!” so we found and empty vodka bottle and spun it around a few times daring each other to do stuff like drink toilet water or eat dirt, kid stuff.

“Come on lets make this a bit more interesting.” Gerard said as he spun the bottle, it landed on Mikey “Okay ... I dare you to ... kiss Ray ... on the lips!” Mikey just glared at Gerard “Fine, you can have a little privacy, go in the closet” Gerard said, so Mikey and Ray went into the closet for a while and came out wiping their mouths and spitting. Mikey spun the bottle next, it landed on Frank.

“Okay ... I dare you to ... kiss Helena!” he shouted. I suddenly felt my cheeks heat up and saw Frank’s did too.

“Oooooh!” they all chorused.

“Shut up” I said walking into the closet with Frank following. After Mikey locked the closet I sat down on the floor and so did Frank

“We can just talk if you like, they don't have to know” he said softly. Aaaaaw, he was so sweet.

“It’s okay, we might as well do something” I said, I secretly liked Frank more than just a friend and kinda wanted something to happen. I saw Frank smile a bit.

“Okay, so ...” I was interrupted by his lips on mine, it was a passionate kiss that felt almost needy, like we needed to be closer to each other. He soon had his hand holding my chin up and my arms were coiled around his neck. The kiss carried on for a few more minutes until I heard the lock turning so I pulled away from Frank suddenly, then the door opened.

“Times up” Mikey said “Did you actually do anything?” he asked skeptically. When I walked back to the circle I must have looked flushed because Gerard was staring at me with a big grin on his face.

“What?” I asked shooting daggers at him

“Nothing.” he said deviously.

“I’ve got to go, my mom will flip a shit if I’m not home soon.” I said standing up.

“Can I walk you home?” asked Frank after following me out the room.

“Sure,” I smiled. We walked across the pavement slowly making awkward conversation. His hand slowly slid around my shoulder that made my skin rise up.

“Shit.” I said

“What’s wrong?” Frank said worryingly

“I left my jacket back at Mikey’s house.” I said, we were only a block away so I figured I would go back and get it.

“I’ll go get it for you,” he said “You wait here.” he kissed me cheek and then I saw him run across the road before I turned around to stare at the sky. I suddenly heard the screeching of tires and a lot of crashing. I turned around to see Frank's life less body sprawled across the road holding my jacket, his eyes still open, like the lights were on but nobody was home. He wasn't moving. There was blood everywhere.
“FRANK!!!!!” I screamed, tears streaming down my face as I crashed to my knee’s next to him, crying into his chest.
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See? This is totally realitic! xD
thanks for reading <3