Sword and Fang: Not A Love Story for the Faint of Heart

IV- Manchee Deathhowler


I ran from the camp Sage and Roger falling in behind me. The human had unhooked my chain I laughed wickedly. But as I got further and further away my heart started to feel heavier and heavier. It became un-bearable I raised my head and howled. Then I stopped dropping my head. There was a tugging at the edge of my heart. Pulling me, no commanding me to return to the camp for that human. I let out another howl of frustration.
“Oh full moon what’s wrong with me” I growled turning around and rushing back into camp. What was with that human to do this to me? I charged back into camp; all the wolves turned to stare at me in shock. Yes, yes I had returned so what. The human sat in the shadow of the rock his head bowed his black hair obscuring his eyes. I barked and he looked up.
He had such dark brown eyes they almost looked black. My air stopped in my chest.
“You left me” he said angrily, strangely his words a bullet piercing my stone heart, but I couldn’t worry about his anger now we were both in danger, The Wolves shock was starting to wear off and they were closing in.
“I’m here aren’t I are you coming or what” I asked and he nodded. I grabbed his shirt front and yanking him onto my back.
“Hold on little bird” I barked happily as I bounded from camp while dodging the bites from other wolves. We ran from the camp the other wolves trying to catch my tail, but were to slow. So I ran in circles till the last one dropped his tail and retreated. I ran through the bush, I was hyperly aware of the human who was still sitting on my back and starting to become heavy. Raising a nose to the air, I found Roger’s scent and followed it, soon I was bounding in to a clearing with the human on my back and walking towards an angry Sage and a amused looking Roger. Roger looked at me and laughed.
“Sie Setzen ihre fell fur eine mensschlich” ‘You risked your pelt for a human’ Roger laughed, giving the man a dark stare. I barely knew this human but still that made me furious. I growled at Roger and nipped at his neck. Roger jumped back the fur on his back bristling. Sage observed silently then nodded.
“We need to move on we probably should continue on through the night to get well away from Moon Clan territory.
“But Sage they will be grieving their dead” I protested not wanting to walk through the night my limbs ached and I needed to howl in morning for their souls so that they may go to paradise. Sage shook his head furiously and I sat defiantly on my rump. Sage snorted.
“Fine do what ever the hell you want, ‘cause you’ll do it anyways” he growled and walked way turning his back and laying down for sleep. A slight remorse went through me for angering Sage but it quickly passed as I turned back to the human.
“So uh” I started realizing that I had forgotten his name, sweat made my paws slick. The human looked at me with a look I couldn’t place, it was a cross between hatred and….
“Sarv” He declared masking his emotions from me. He was a mysterious one, that’s for sure. “Sarv Crow” he finished. I nodded to show I had heard making sure to hide my horrid eyes. The eyes of the damned, I inwardly growled with hatred towards them. I huffed returning my attention back to Sarv.
“And they call me Ma….”
“Manchee Deathhowler, with the eyes of the dead and savior of the damned” Sarv recited as if reading from a book of life. I snorted and took a step back, puffing out my chest indignantly.
“And how did a human,” I made it sound like the worst curse word that has ever been uttered I saw anger flicker across his face and my muzzle upturned in a sneer. “learn to know a name, as infamous as mine?” I ask looking at him from under the fur that covered my eyes. I saw him pout his lips in a frown.
“You told me this for one” He hissed his anger peeking out from under his poker face, I could barely contain a laugh, and angrily raising one finger for a dramatic effect. “And two I have heard much about you Deathhowler” He said the way he said my name made my fur bristle in anger.
“How dare you” I growled lowered my head and opening my muzzle to expose my teeth to him threateningly.
“Bring it” He said standing in a warrior’s stance his arms in front of his torso, his face set for a fight. I let out a deep growl feeling the green in me bubble with the excitement. Yes! Yes let’s tear this flesh bag to pieces! HAHAHAH! The green in me screamed for release. I felt Rogers’s presence appear next to me. Roger brushed his side against mine distracting me and making the bubbling stop. I turned to Roger gratefully.
“Danke” ‘Thank you’ I sighed. Roger nodded.
“Mit Vergnügen” ‘With pleasure’ Roger grumbled sarcastically. I finally looked to Sarv, who had a look of confusion on his face.
“What the F…”
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Leave me comments please! Im having trouble forcing myself to write something i dont think anyone wants to read... Love you all and thank you for the few who have read my stories