Finding the Light

Chapitre Un

HEY. My names Johnny Cazbo, but people call me Tee as in Tee. Got a problem with that? Good! Well seeing as you dropped by, I might as well tell you my story. My story of how I got to be who I am and well, about my life. Let’s start off when I was just 17. 17 were the good old days. I got chucked out onto the streets of London.

That year was when mum got hooked up with her boyfriend Jeffery. He told mum it was ether me or him, and well, you can kinda guess who she chose. Boy I’ll never forget that night. That was the night I had to teach myself how to survive out on the streets. I packed most importantly my cd player with most of my cd’s, a few cloths, my razor, and my tooth brush. Oh yeah and stole £200 pounds from my mum. I dunno what the point was though. The whole lot got stolen from me by a dude called Benny Mcman. He got what was coming to him anyways. He got nicked five days later for robbing a motor not far from Diamond Star Hotel. That’s where I would have stayed before Benny stole my money. Well my mums money.

Gah I bet you want to know where the hell I was staying then. Jakel road in number15 is where I kipped. It was wonderful there. My own outdoor bath room, nice fur carpet, central heating, the magnificent smell of rotting animals, oh and not forgetting my bed. That was the best bit of the whole house. I mean I just loved sleeping on the superbly hard floor with the occasional pet rodent running by. Ok I’ll stop with the sarcasm and tell you a bit more.