Change Of Plans

Number 5

Ethan glanced down at his wrist to notice his watch read 22:48.He knew he would be grounded for life for being home so late, but he didn’t want to leave. He felt like he needed to be with Noah. He felt strangely happy when the boy sat in front of him smiled or made a sarcastic comment. He had no intention of leaving as Noah nudged his arm to pull him away from his thoughts.

“You want to play 1,2, 3?” He asked, a smirk plasted on his features. Ethan watched his long shaggy hair fall in front of his face, hiding his hazel eyes. He felt a small tingly feeling crawl over his skin as Noah brushed the hair from his face, his eyebrows furrowing from curiosity.

“What’s that?”

“It’s just a fun game. You wait till someone walks past and you have to say if you would marry them. If you say no to the first one, you wait for the second. But if you turn down the second you have to marry the third” he explained, his voice growing with excitement. Ethan frowned at his childishness but smiled anyway, agreeing to the immature game.

The boy’s waited a couple of minutes before a grown up woman trailed past the window, a strict look picking at her features; her walk was quick and stern. Her brown hair was cut into a bob, and she wore an oversized mustered coloured coat.

“No” Ethan automatically answered, not wanted any sarcastic jokes from the boy he sat with.

“Knew you were gay” Noah mumbled, only loud enough for Ethan’s ears.

“I’m not gay” Ethan snapped, “I just don’t want to marry her!”

“Sure honey, okay” Noah smiled, adding a wink.

“I hate you”

“Okay, well number two!” Noah shouted, pointing to an old guy crossing the street. He was bald on top, with white tuffs sprouting from the side of his head, his back was arched and he carried a walking stick.

“Well let me think about that one” Ethan joked, stroking his chin like he had a beard. “Pass!” he added, taking a sip of his 6th cup of coffee.

Noah wanting to annoy the beauty in front of him so decided to knock on the window, trying to catch the attention from the old man

“Noah! Stop!” Ethan shouted, causing a few glares from the remaining customers.

“But he likes you! Come on, he’s delish!” Noah replied, knocking on the glass harder. Ethan grabbed hold of Noah’s arm over the table to stop him from scaring the old man but couldn’t help feel a wave of butterflies’ brush over him for a second.

“You’re mean” Ethan commented ignoring the weird sensation. He kept his hand around Noah’s wrist and noticed how thin the boy actually was. “You need some food,” He added, letting go of Noah’s wrist so he could get up to walk over to the counter.

Noah crossed his arms across his chest, embarrassed by Ethan’s comment. Taking a deep breath he shook off the feeling of pity and brought back his smile, watching Ethan waiting patiently for food.

“Looking good there Ethz,” He shouted across the room receiving the most adorable blush to freckle Ethan’s cheeks. Coughing and turning away, Ethan grabbed the food and headed back towards the table, only lifting his head when he thought most of the blush had disappeared.

“Well, you look rough” He stated, picking a slice of cucumber from the salad he had previously placed in front of the other boy.

“Like sandpaper baby” Noah replied his eyes only taking notice of the sandwich on the table. He picked up a half and took a huge bite; his stomach screaming as the food made it’s way down his throat far too slowly.

“Noah, what do you do in the day?” Ethan questioned, his tone suddenly becoming serious.

“Party all day, rock n roll all night Hon” he winked, taking a big gulp from his drink.

“Seriously Noah” He was hoping to break down Noah’s wall, get him to confess that his life is shit and that he needs help, but the only way he was going to do that was by getting straight answers from him.

“Get lost in cities” and with that he was up and walking straight out the door. Ethan frowned at his sudden change in mood and slowly climbed out his seat. He watched Noah stride past the shop and couldn’t help but think,

“3rd one you have to marry” He mumbled to himself, before hurrying out the door after Noah. He ran around the corner and further down the road to catch up with him. He had his arms crossed across his chest, and Goosebumps were clearly presentable.

“Noah, I didn’t mean to offend you in any way” he mentioned as soon as Noah stopped walking. Ethan felt the wind brush across his face and couldn’t help but feel sorry for Noah for only having a T-shirt.

“I know. Are you going to make me talk about it?” He asked, his sarcasm back

“Of course” Ethan replied, shoving his fear to the back of his mind, trying to find a way to communicate with Noah better. “Do you get hurt?” He questioned.

“That’s a really stupid question. Ask a better one”

“Don’t you feel…dirty?” Ethan felt his voice quiver, and hung his head in shame.

“Of course I feel fucking dirty! I fuck old men!” he shouted. His hands raising into the air.

“Never women?” Ethan questioned. His heart began to race as Noah looked at him with a face nobody could define. It felt like hours had past before Noah shoved his shoulder, causing Ethan to step back from the small force.

“You bastard” Noah joked, a smile tugging at his lips. Ethan smiled with him and shoved him back, receiving an even harder hit.

“Ouch! That hurt!” Ethan groaned, rubbing the wound.

“You just moaned at me for being too thin, and you saying you cant take a punch?”

“I hate you” Ethan frowned.

“No you don’t” Noah informed him, slowly walking towards the boy. “Honey, I’m the best thing that’s happened to you.” Ethan felt his feet become glued to the spot as he watched the boy take each careful step.

“I…I could say the same” Ethan stuttered, his eyes never leaving those of Noah’s.

Noah shook his head. “Love doesn’t have to be mutual baby” he smiled, happy with the effects he was having on Ethan. “Love doesn’t have to be beautiful or even happy” His voice was getting quieter as he took the final step towards Ethan, their bodies only just touching. His breath breezing past Ethan’s beautiful face. “ Love is unpredictable and that sweety, is why everyone loves it” his last words hardly even audible. He watched Ethan’s eyes widen and the same blush cross his cheeks, before he leaned in. Their lips brushed, pink against red. Ethan felt his eyes close as he leaned onto his tiptoes to create more pressure. Ethan could tell Noah was smiling into the kiss, happy that he had won him over, but Ethan couldn’t help but wrap his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. The spark of electricity that ran through their lips was enough for them to carry on; letting there tongues dance together to a perfect duet. Noah’s arms were strapped tightly around Ethan’s neck before he broke the kiss, allowing each other to breathe.

“You know for a straight guy, you’re pretty gay” Noah noted, letting his arms drop to his sides. Before Ethan could reply he felt a drop of water hit his skin, followed by another, and another and eventually cold water was hitting every inch of his body.

“Quick, get inside!” Ethan shouted, poorly attempting to shield his hair with his hands. Noah laughed but followed him anyway back into the coffee shop. Ethan watched the manager sigh as Noah ran into the coffee shop behind him, but made no attempt to push him out. Once they were both out the rain they stood by the door, watching as the water bounced off the ground.

“Couldn’t have waited till it rained before you kissed me,” Ethan said, nudging Noah in the side. The taller boy turned round to face Ethan, smiling at his words.

“Nah, that would be far too cliché”
♠ ♠ ♠
Finished :)