Status: will update as soon as possible.

You're Not Alone

For Someone Skinny You Eat A Lot

Three hours later and we finally finished our homework.

"Finally! Three hours and we're finally done!!" Dylan yelled in exhaustion.

"Well we would have been done a whole lot sooner but somebody kept getting up to get some food!!" I yelled glaring at Dylan.

"You know for a skinny guy you eat A LOT!" Zane said dumbfounded.

"It's not my fault I am always hungry..." Dylan said looking down in shame with a frown on his face.

Glaring at the other guys I walked over to Dylan to comfort him while saying, "It's okay to eat a lot, Dylan. There is no problem with that."

The guys shrugged and went back to putting their stuff back into their backpacks. I looked at mine thinking I should do the same but deciding that I was to lazy and to tired to actually do so. Walking over to my bed I laid down next Luca who was currently laying on his stomach with his face in one of my pillows. As soon I laid my head on the pillow I was out like a light.

I was having the best sleep of my life when in the distance I hear my name being chanted over and over again. Deciding to just ignore it I rolled onto my side. The next thing I knew I was having freezing cold water poured on my face. Waking up with a jump I looked to see who had done it. And there is Luca laughing his ass off rolling on the floor. I glare at him and slowly stand up. I look at the others and they instantly stop laughing knowing that someone was about to get hurt and it wasn't going to be pretty. Loudly clearing my throat I watched as Luca slowly started to calm down and wipe tears from his eyes.

"Fuuuck...." he says slowly watching me with searching eyes.

I get down to his level and grab him by his shirt to pull him closer to me and say,
"I'm not gonna get you back right now but I will get you. You just wait and see."

I let go of his shirt and slowly stood up and grabbed my clothes going into the bathroom to change and do the morning routine.

Twenty minutes later I emerged from the bathroom to see the guys still in my room sitting on my bed.

"Are you done now?" Dylan asked.

"Yea I just have put my shoes on and then I am done." I said smiling an innocent smile. "I must say. You guys look pretty sexy today." I said with a laugh.

"Well we always look sexy." Zane said puffing out his chest.

"Yea! Then again you look pretty hot, Becca!" Luca said approvingly.

"Aawww....! Thanks Luca!!" I said kissing his cheek. "Now c'mon guys! We're gonna be
late!!" I said laughing.
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Here is the next chapeter hope you like it! Comments would be nice.

And a special thanks to MyButterfly001.
