Status: writing and writing ... and... writing!

Stuck in Between

Chapter 12

Jessica's P.O.V.

Many of my friends and family were calling my parents to learn the visiting hours and many of them were here , waiting for Jennifer to wake up.
We were sitting inside the hospital room, waiting for a sign from Jennifer; showing that she was awake finally. All her muscles in her face were constracted and she was breathing slowly.

Suddenly we heard her say a name, but the name wasn't any familiar to neither my dad nor my mother nor me or the doctor.

The name she had just said and kept saying was; Peter.

Who was Peter?

I left my mother and fathers side and sad down by the hospital bed. I took my sister's hand and whispered to her ; ' Everything Is going to be fine, Jenny, OK? Come, wake up..'.

My mother and father joined me and sat down by the bed too. ' We love you dear, you'll be fine!' my mother said and stroked her hair. We all watched in excitement as her eyes slowly opened. We all hugged her in tears, tears of happiness.. My sister was finally back! She had survived through all the pain, all the tragedy, all the operations! Everything was fine. Just fine.

' Oh Jennifer! We thought you were.. dead! But now you're back! ' I said joyfully.

' We missed you! '

'I.. missed you too..' whispered Jennifer. She was talking! She was talking!

'I have to find Peter.' she whispered. 'Who Is Peter ?' I asked curiously.

'Has any accident happened In these days? A boy, falling down a hill? In Ireland?' asked Jennifer and my mother' s face became pale.

'Yes, I've read something like that on the newspaper, a boy called Peter fell down a hill in Ireland while hiking, they're still trying to save him! What about him Jenn?' my mother asked.

' I have to see him mother! I have to go and visit him! ' said Jennifer suddenly In excitement.

'Jennifer, Jennifer.. Calm down, who Is this boy? You can't leave the hospital for at least a month dear!' my father said and took her hand. Jennifer closed her eyes as If she was trying to calm down.

Then suddenly a nurse came In the room with a breakfast tray and newspapers.

'Oh, our little Jennifer Is back! ' said the nurse joyfully and then added ; 'Here's the newspaper and breakfeast for Jennifer! She can eat already! Isn't that great?'. As the nurse helped Jennifer eat her breakfast my father took the newspaper and started reading; as soon as he read the second page his mouth fell open. 'Check this out!' he said and showed the page to my mother. My mother gasped and turned to look at Jennifer.

'That boy we were just talking about.. Peter.. he Is coming to this hospital with a special jet, his situation Is worse and he Is going to get some help from the doctors here.' said my mother slowly.

Jennifer gasped.
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