Status: writing and writing ... and... writing!

Stuck in Between


"Thank you Proffessor, I appreciate your help, a lot. " I said to my Proffessor of Literature. He handed me my books back and smiled , "It was my pleasure dear, keep writing and read the passages I underlined once more.". I smiled back and walked pass him to my locker at the end of the corridor. My life was back on the rails again, my family was happy, I was healthy and I was a succesfull student in my college. I was writing poems and stories, mostly inspirated by what happened to me after the car accident.

I unlocked my locker and took my notebook, It was a bright day and my first lesson was History.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for the classroom which Mrs. Olleason will be having a History lesson."
I turned away from my locker to see who was talking to me with such an Irish accent. It was a tall guy with shimmering brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes.
"It's Jennifer, right ?" he asked, smiling. How did he know my name ?

"Well yes, I'm Jennifer but how come -"

"I'm Peter."

My heart almost turned into a bird and crashed through my chest with excitement. I bit my lip gently and bursted into laughter. He smiled at me and winked. "Uh, I was just going to that class, why don't you join me ?" I said and closed my locker. "I would love to." he replied and we turned to walk to the classroom.

♠ ♠ ♠
okay, like some of you might have noticed, i changed the ending. i wasnt happy with it at all so, i hope this is better :) it is a simple ending , yes, but i think its better than the last one. :)PLEASE COMMENT

miss. bookworm