Status: writing and writing ... and... writing!

Stuck in Between

Chapter 2

Jessica P.O.V.

No. This was a nightmare. I was going mad. Did that car just hit my twin sister ? "Don't be stupid Jessica!" i said to myself. The black car had stopped on the other side of the street, crashed into a pavement.Then, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could hear a man talking, probably on the phone? He was trying to get out of the car. What was he saying?
" Please hurry. Please! She might be ... Oh shit! What have I done?! Please, you have to save her! Yes.. yes.. uh-huh. I just hit her with my car! Shit shit! Shit!' Hurry please.. Thanks.."
My eyes flung open. And I had to face the ugly truth:
Jennifer was lying across the street, her body was covered with blood and had collapsed, her face pale white and her eyes staring into no where, blindly. Blood was coming from her mouth and she wasn't moving. Her arms and legs were all broken , I could see her leg bone. I felt bad. Really bad . Then I lost control.
" Please, stay calm! Please! I called the hospital! They will arrive soon! Please , please dont yell!". The man grabbed my arm but I kicked him and knelt beside Jennifer. My head started spinning. Tears filled up my eyes. This isn't happening. And then I guess.. I fainted.

Jennifer's P.O.V

Where am I ? Where Is Jessica? What happened? The pain Is gone.. but where am I? It's all white around here or black, not many colours.. Its .. empty. But It cant be empty. I'm sitting on something. Im sitting on emptyness maybe. But what's going on? I looked around but there was nothing! I felt desperate and alone. What is going on?!
Suddenly a calm voice made me jump: " Hello". A boy, (probably at my age) was walking towards me. Maybe he was here all this time . . .? He sat on the emptyness ; beside me. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. " Hello, where are we and whats your name?" i said. He looked around for a minute, thinking . Then answered me ;
- I guess we are stuck between life and death! By the way ; my name is Peter. What's your name?
- I'm Jennifer. But.. what did you mean by saying 'stuck between life and death' ?
- I dont know.. But I dont think we are dead but we are not alive either.. so..?
- Maybe 'this' is heaven, how can we be sure?
- Well.. I dont really think this place is heaven..
- You're probably right. . .
- So , what happened to you?
- What do you mean?
- You know . . .
- Oh , I guess a car hit me, all I remember is a flash of light and a horrible pain.
- I fell from a cliff.
- Thats bad!
He frowned and nodded. I sighed and we both sat there in silence. Then suddenly I felt my lungs filling with fresh air again. It was a great feeling but , I blacked out.

Jessica's P.O.V

When I recovered my consciousness again I was lying on a litter. I felt extremely bad. I was inside an ambulance. But the ambulance wasnt moving. I could hear someone shouting outside : " KEEP UP THE CPR PEOPLE! SHE IS BREATHING ! C'MON!"
Jennifer! She was alive! I remembered about the accident. It had to be a nightmare. It just .. had to be! I tried to stand up and get outside. But a paramedic (women) entered the ambulance that minute and pushed me back gently. I felt horrible again, like I was going to vomit. Then I fainted again.
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