Status: writing and writing ... and... writing!

Stuck in Between

Chapter 4

Jessica's P.O.V.

"Mom! What happened to her?!". My voice sounded horrible, I sounded like a mad person. We were in the hospital, in the ladies room. My mother washed my face and said , " Please, Jess, I need your help. Dont shout!". I stumbled and fell on the floor. My mother grabbed me on the arm and pulled me up. I started crying. I was curious about what happened to Jennifer, my twin sister, my best friend.. Nobody was telling me anything about her. I didnt know if she was dead or in coma. I was hoping the best but excepting the worst. My head was spinning , my stomach was hurting and I hated the hospital atmosphere: white , cold.

My mother took me out of the ladies room and took me to my father , outside the hospital.
"I am not going anywhere! Let me go!" i cried. But my father took me by the hand and we got into the car. I kept screaming and crying out of control. My mother went back in the hospital with tears in her eyes. I got tired of screaming and crying so I closed my eyes and tried to breathe slowly. "Dad.. Please.. I have to know.." i whispered in the backseat. I opened my eyes , my father was driving and he didnt look at me. But I knew he was crying. Finally, after a long silence he said , " Jennifer, your sister is not fine. Not fine, not good , she is in a horrible situation. I am sorry but we decided with your mother that you must know the truth. We hope she will be fine but . . ." . He fell silent. I gasped and tears filled my eyes . I didnt speak until we arrived home.

I went up to my room and lay on my bed. I didnt want to do anything. We always had this twin connection with Jennifer. Whenever she was hurt physically , I felt sick. Whenever she felt sad or angry I felt nervous or angry too. It was creepy , weird. It sometimes effected my life. Like now. I still couldnt believe what had happened a few hours ago, It all felt like a nightmare. I lay on the bed , face-down and tried not to cry. "It will be ok " i whispered to myself. I knew It was wrong to lie to yourself but I whispered again ; "Everything will be O.K."
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In this chapter I wanted to focuse on Jessica's side of of the story, It is harder for her I guess. . Anyway , please keep reading and I am hoping to read more comments, thanksss