Status: writing and writing ... and... writing!

Stuck in Between

Chapter 5

Jessica's P.O.V.

I woke up shaking. I was in my bedroom still. It was dark outside and the house was silent. I shivered , my legs and arms were numb. I slowly got out of my bed. What had happened? I forgot how to walk and fell on my knees, I had remembered. I had remembered what happened to my best friend, my sister, Jennifer. Tears filled up my eyes but I tried to stand up , when I finally stood up I walked out of my room. The house was dark, I turned on the lights in the living room . There was a post-it on the TV screen . I walked towards the TV and read the note : " Jess, we had to leave for Jennifer. We are in the hospital and you can reach us from our mobile phones. I left some pizza for you in the kitchen. Eat it , take care of yourself and don't go to sleep to late. -mom"
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a few slices of pizza and a coke can then headed back to the living room to open the TV. I wasn't in the mood to watch Oprah Show or Lost or CSI. First I started watching Gossip Girl but then I decided that I had to deal with my own problems, not ; Jenny's problems or Serena's love life or Chuck and Blair fighting.
So I switched the channel to Disney Channel. I watched as my favorite Disney characters sang along to my favorite songs. But Disney World wasn't enough to make me happy. I took a bite from my slice of pizza but I couldn't taste anything. Doctors were probably trying to keep Jennifer alive and she was fighting for her life, unconsiously and I am sitting here eating pizza and watching TV. Suddenly anger , fear and sadness filled me up and I threw the remote control on the floor. I watched as the batteries flew out of the remote control. Then placed the pizza plate and coke can on the floor and opened my hands on my lap. I started to whisper :

- God, please let her live. Please. Please. She deserves to live, she has a life ahead of her. God. Please. I need my sister. God, dear Lord. Please.
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