Burned Bones

Someone's Birthday

My name was Alice. I loved books, stories, art. My mom used to get angry when I would draw on the walls. I miss her. I miss a lot of things, but I convince myself that losing them could not be avoided. Although in my heart, I knew that if I had gone outside to play, like my aunt asked me, I would not have had to be crying during so many funerals.

It was a family reunion, someone’s birthday, on my dad’s side. I remember only a few spoke good English. My mom invited her family as well, for they were in the area. My aunt asked me to play outside with my younger cousins, to which I declined. She did not question me, because they were called inside anyway for a toast to whoever’s birthday it was.

It started to become hard to breath, my vision was clouding up and it became unbearably warm. I scarcely saw the hot, dancing flames with my own eyes. I knew they were there. I was pushed and shoved every which-way, in the middle of a collapsing house full of people. I hid in the cabinets of the kitchen, hoping someone would put the fire out. I was coughing to the point where I couldn’t breathe. The door opened to reveal a man in a mask. I later found out his name was Robert. Young, strong, well fit to be a fire fighter. My brain could not comprehend what was happening, my eyes opening and looking, but not seeing.

A beam collapsed on top of Robert and I. he had a protective suit, so his only obstacle was the weight of the wood. I had 2 problems though. The wood was on fire, and I was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. The bean crushed and tore and scorched my right arm and leg and even some of my face. I screamed, but not out of pain, but fear. Of my life, my family’s lives, my reality.

Robert got me out of the house, set me on an ambulance, and scurried back into the nearly demolished house, looking for more survivors. Never saw him again though, for the ambulance doors shut, and I was off.