Sequel: Shameless



"Maddie! Turn on the radio right now! Kiss FM! Do it!" Jessica's squeal blared through the speakers of Maddie's phone.

"Okay, okay!" Maddie jogged across her room, hopping over a few piles of clothes before reaching the stereo and turning on the radio, which was already tuned to Kiss FM.

Like a roller coaster ride
Like I'm running a red light
Like a rocket ship is like
Every inch of me is like WHOA!

Like a rollercoaster ride
Holding on my knuckles whoa
Every inch of me is like
whoa, whoa
Got me feeling like
whoa, whoa

"And that was Tiger Shark with their latest hit 'Like Whoa' off their new album titled 'Independence' due out next month...."

"That's so cool!" Maddie said, jumping up and down slightly.

Tiger Shark had received a lot of mainstream radio play in the past year, but they were still excited the first time they heard a new single on the radio.

For Maddie, it was especially exciting. Like Whoa was her favorite song on the new album, and probably the closest to her heart. It always reminded her of Joe, seeing as it was about him. It was his song. Well, there was that OTHER song about him, but that was just the heartache. She didn't like being reminded of that. She didn't like being reminded of how they fell apart.

But when she heard Like Whoa, all the feelings of their relationship came flooding back. Not just of their relationship, but of that whole summer. All the good times she had being on the road with her best friends. It was like visiting a someone she hadn't seen in awhile.

So much had changed in little more than a year. The Jonas boys were bonafide superstars. They had headlined the biggest tour of the summer. They had 3 smash singles under their belts. Their album debuted at #1, going gold in its first week, and had the third best first week of sales of the year, behind only Coldplay and Lil Wayne. They won several Teen Choice Awards. (Tiger Shark was there too. It was the most awkward experience of Maddie's life.) They were constantly followed by papparazzi. They were coming out with a book. They had their own 3-D Movie in the works..... And.... Maddie hadn't spoken to any of them in months. Not even Nick or Kevin. Joe was one thing, they had been in a relationship, and hadn't spoken in nearly a year, but Nick and Kevin? They were like her brothers. It broke her heart to think they too had drifted apart.

Tiger Shark had a good year too. Their first album went gold, and their new album was coming out the next month. They had just finished their first headlining tour, and they had nearly packed houses at each show. They had 4 top ten singles. 4Ever peaked at #2. They were also designing their own clothing line for Kohl's. It was a really exciting time for them.

Nonetheless, Maddie couldn't help but miss the old days. The old days when she could walk down the street without being recognized. When Tiger Shark and the Jonas Brothers were only known by disney kids. When those superstars were her best friends in the whole world.

"Are we still good for lunch tomorrow Mads?" Jessica suddenly said, snapping Maddie back to reality.

"Oh, um, yeah," she said quickly, still kind of out of it.

"Okay, awesome, see ya then."

"Bye." Maddie ended the call and collapsed on her bed. She looked over at the huge corkboard that was on the wall to the right of her bed. It was covered with pictures of she and her friends, along with notes and and other pieces of paper displaying quotes or discussions she had with certain friends. Then she saw it. It was a picture of her and Joe, hugging each other tightly. A bright pink post-it was stuck next to it. Written on the post it with black sharpie in block letters was "Like... Whoa" with three hearts around it. One little, one medium sized, and one big. She didn't know why she never took that down. She got up and went over to the corkboard. She stared at the picture and post-it for a long time. Part of her wanted to take them off and tear them into a million little shreds. The other part never wanted to stop staring at them.

After several minutes, she removed the picture, took the tape off the back of it, took the post-it and stuck it on the picture. She then opened the drawer of her desk, put it in, and closed it.

"Bye Joe."

Maddie knew she had to let go. She couldn't forget him, but she was going to move on for good. Or at least that's what she thought....
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so the real reason I finished this is because I got an idea for a sequel! Sorry if the ending seems rushed, but it was because I wanted to get started on the next story. If you've read this whole story, I thank you, seeing as I think it took me just about a year (if not a year) to finish it! Haha. <3