Status: On hiatus

If I'm the Peanut Butter and You're the Jelly, Why Do We Hate Each Other?


"I've got a secret
It's on the tip of my tongue
It's on the back of my lungs
And I've gotta keep it
I know something you don’t know"

I love this song. When I listen to it, I can drown out everything else, and just focus on the lyrics. I can be in my own world, imagine how my life could be. But then it comes to an end, and memories from the night before flood back into my mind. And I'm reminded of what my real life is like. Where there are no fairytales, no happy endings or perfect lives. But as I always say, good things never last.

If you’re wondering about last night, my mother got mad. Again. I didn't do anything wrong, but as usual; I was her 'punching bag'. It wasn't as bad as it could've been though. I've had worse from her. It was just a few slaps. My brother Jarred came home and made her stop. I'm glad he's home. He was away looking at colleges. I hate that he's leaving. He's the only person that ever cared for me besides Matty and Becky. My best friends. But even they won't be able to fill his place. He's the only one who fully understands me. The only one, with just one glance at my face, or my eyes, will be able to know exactly what I'm thinking.


Alas, my alarm goes off. I, obviously, woke up way before I intended to, but whatever. I turned it off and stood up. As I stood up, I couldn't help but notice how nice the hard cold floor felt against my feet. Weird I know, but hey, it felt nice. I had a shower and brushed my teeth, all the normal morning stuff. I went back to my room and put on some black skinny’s, a black v-neck, and lastly my Black Veil Brides hoodie. I grabbed my backpack and walked outside to start on my 3 mile walk to school.
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Of course walking into school, Trey Zarren, the "hottest and most popular" boy ever, tripped me. In result, I fell on my arm. Fortunately for me, I fell right on my bruised arm. Feel free to note the obvious sarcasm.


Ah, the famous nickname he gave me in middle school. Very original, right? Not really. I picked up my backpack and just kept on walking to first period English. The class was noisy walking in. Friends chatting, couples making plans for the upcoming weekend. I guess after I sat down, I spaced out. Because the teacher was calling my name.

“Ms. Reckons! Pay ATTENTION!"

"Sorry Ms. Farr"

I heard the echo of laughter go throughout the room. I was used to it though. People laughing, calling me names and tripping me, all just for their own amusement. Especially Trey. He made my life hell. He was always calling me a freak, making fun of me. I couldn't get away from it, even at home. He somehow gets me into trouble so the school calls home. And then guess what happens? My mom 'punishes' me. Then again maybe its fun getting slapped for some people.
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Sorry it's so short :( The first few will be. But they'll get longer :)

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