Status: On hiatus

If I'm the Peanut Butter and You're the Jelly, Why Do We Hate Each Other?

I Knew It

I yawned, trying to stay on my feet while walking to the bus stop. My iPod was gently playing Smother Me by The Used.

I got to the bus stop, waiting a few minutes patiently for the bus. It finally came into sight, stopping a few feet in front of me. I climbed up the steps and walked to the middle where Matty was sitting. He had his head pressed to the window, his mouth slightly open. I giggled quietly, sitting down next to him. He instantly moved his head from the window to my shoulder.

"You are much more comfy than that stupid window...." He grumbled.

I smiled, "Hey, the window never did anything to you."


I rolled my eyes, resting my head atop his. We were the first stop, so it usually takes a while to get to school.

I wonder what Jarred has to talk to me about. He said I wasn't in trouble. Maybe it's about mom? Or maybe about Trey?

Speaking of Trey, if you're wondering why he didn't accompany me on the bus, it's because his friend is picking him up.

I wonder if Trey will keep his promise? Maybe he won't make fun of me today? I hope he doesn't. But it seems to good to be true. Like I said before, you don't suddenly stop hating someone. I mean, maybe he only said what he said because he felt bad for me? What if he regrets that now?

"Zee? You still with me?"

I snapped out of my trance, looking over at Matty, noticing we were now at school.

That ride went fast.......

We both stood up, walking off the bus along with a bunch of other sleepy students. We met up with Becky at my locker.

"Hello Becks." I smiled, hugging her.

"Hey Ms. Proper." She teased. I gently slapped her arm, not wanting to hurt her. Although I doubt I would, even if I did use force.

Matty laughed at us, while saying hi to Becky.

We talked for a little bit longer until the first period bell rang, sending everyone in the hall to their classes.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

My morning classes went by quicker than usual. All I can think about is if Trey will keep his promise and what Jarred wants to talk about.

The bell rang, once again snapping me out of my own little world. I made my way to the lunch room, sitting down at our table right away. I didn't feel especially hungry today so I just took out my water bottle.

I looked around wondering where Matty and Becky were. They're usually here by now. I caught a glimpse of Larry walking towards my general direction and stiffened.

Is he coming over to me?

I tried to look occupied with my water, but I couldn't shake off this uneasy feeling.

"Aw is little Firenzee sitting all alone? What happened, your friends finally realize you're not good enough?" Larry taunted.

I looked up at him, shrinking away a little.

"What's wrong? Scared?" He smirked.

"N-no." Why did I have to stutter now!?

He laughed evilly, leaning over the table so his face was mere inches from mine. My breathing stopped all together, my heart racing.

Can you blame me? This guy alone was way worse than Trey. Especially when he was alone. Don't ask why, he just is.


I looked over to my side, seeing Trey standing there looking torn. Was he going to stand up for me?

"What Trey? I was bored, I'm just having some fun with the freak." Larry said, laughing again.

Trey looked between us, before settling his gaze on me. I looked into his eyes, trying to read them. But before I could, they turned cold and hard.

"Well who would pass up a chance to torment the freak?" Trey said, glaring at me.

I was right.

It was too good to be true.

That gaze and tone of voice was all too familiar with me. I stared at him for a few seconds, parting of me hoping he would say, "Just kidding!"

But that didn't happen.

Instead, he said the worst thing he ever could.

"You know Larry, you're right. Her friends probably got fed up with her. After all, her mother can't even find the will to love her. So why would anyone else?"

I could feel the tears stinging my eyes at just that one sentence.

How could he say that?

Does he really hate me that much?

I looked around, now seeing that the whole cafeteria had stopped and looked over. They heard what Trey said. Now everyone knows. Why does this have to happen? To me? Why? What did I ever do!? Nothing. Nothing!

I felt someone grab me, and heard a thud. I looked over, seeing Becky hitting Trey and looked over my shoulder to Matty.

He tried to hug me, and tell me everything was going to be okay.

But I didn't stay to listen. I ripped myself from his hold, running out of the cafeteria, and out of the school. I kept running. I had no idea where I was or where I was going. Only one thing was running through my mind. Repeating itself over and over.

Trey was right.

Everything he said.

It was all the truth.

If my mother can't love me, then how will anyone else?

Parents are supposed to love you, no matter what.

I finally stopped, and I looked around at where I was. I was by the old library. It was abandoned years ago. No one ever came around here anymore. I walked up to the old steps, sitting down and putting my head in my hands. My thoughts consuming me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Seconds turned into minutes. And minutes turned into hours.

It was now night time. The sun setting, the warm air now turning cold.

'Just like Trey.' I couldn't help but think.

I faintly heard car tires, looking up, I saw my brothers car. Too bad they found me.

It stopped and all three of them, Matty, Becky, and Jarred rushed over to me. Hugging me like I had been gone for years.

They were all talking at once, saying how worried they were, how much they are thankful I'm okay.

I tuned them out, waiting until they dragged me to the car. Saying goodbye to Matty and Becky as we got to each of their houses. Until finally we got to ours. Jarred tried to talk to me, but I just ignored him. Walking up the stairs. I was about to open my door when someone grabbed my wrist.

I looked up. Blankly staring at Trey, waiting for him to say something. He looked to be having an internal debate with himself.

I rolled my eyes, about to go into my room when he finally said something.

"I didn't mean it." He blurted out.

I looked back at him, knowing he was lieing and was getting a kick out of playing with my emotions.

"I'm not falling for your stupid lies again Trey. I'm not stupid. I can see right through you. Do you like tormenting me? Toying with my mind? I bet it's just so funny, right? Well sorry to ruin your little game. But I'm not playing anymore."


I slammed my door shut, not wanting to know what he was about to say. Like I said.

I'm not playing to see who wins his stupid game.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm out of school!!! WOOHOO!! Now I can write more! Thanks for all of your comments, they make me very happy! :D

By the way, you should all check out this band, Dead Poets Society

They're awesome, and guess what!? I know them! Ahaha, they're a few friends of mine that also go to my school. That video is my favorite song they covered. It was from their first show last night! So please check them out! It would mean a lot!

Comments please?