Status: On hiatus

If I'm the Peanut Butter and You're the Jelly, Why Do We Hate Each Other?

The iPod


“Noooo!! Stupid Bell! I don’t wanna go to math.” Matty whined, dragging out the ‘a’ in math.

“Oh come on Matty, it’s not that bad. I like it.” Both Matty and Becky looked at me like I had grown a third eye or something after saying that.

“And that’s why you’re strange……” Becky sighed. Oh well, I like it. Thankfully we had this class together, without Trey, Larry and Trevor. We walked in and sat in the back, as usual. Today’s assignment was in the text book. We got to work and as always, I was done first and left with nothing to do. It looked like Matty was having some trouble on a problem so I helped him a bit. Then I was back to doing nothing.

I reached into my backpack to retrieve my iPod. I know, I know ‘You are not to have any electronics on in class.’ Well to bad Mr. Principle. In your face. Ahahaha. Wait where is it? Oh my god! It’s not here! Where did I- oh dammit. I left it on my dresser. Well crap. Hmm maybe I could steal Matty’s for the day period.

“Psst! Matty!” Nothing. “Matty!” Again…nothing. “Matthew!”

“What!?” Hmm maybe I should call him Matthew more often. Nah only times like these, or he’ll call me by my full name.

“Give me your iPod. I forgot mine.” I silently prayed in my head that the teacher didn’t hear us or I wouldn’t get to listen to my sweet music.

He looked skeptical, so I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. He can’t say no to puppy dog eyes, especially mine. Aha, I’m so evil.

“Fine.” He took his purple iPod out from his pocket. The fuck? How the hell does he fit anything in his pockets? His pants are tighter than mine. And that’s saying something, because mine are pretty damn tight. Stupid Matty and his purple pants. Yeah, the skinny jeans he’s wearing right now? They’re purple. It’s his favorite color. He’s like obsessed with it. Every day he has something purple on. And if he doesn’t, which is very rare, his iPod is purple. And they call me a freak.

I took his iPod and put the headphones under my hoodie, pulling my hair forward so the
teacher won’t see them. I turned it on and began my search for a good song to listen too. I finally settled on Hello Hello by SR-71. I love this song. It’s very relaxing. As I was scrolling down I found a song that I never expected to see on Matty’s iPod. Shots by LMFAO ft. Lil Wayne? Seriously? Holy hell, I am so never letting him live this one down. I mean it practically screams “WTF AM I DOING ON THIS IPOD!?” Ahaha I crack myself up.
Finally the bell rang, and as I turned off his iPod, watching the other students leave I heard Matty’s voice.

“Alright Missy, give me my iPod back.” He said in a stern tone of voice.

“Nah I think I’ll keep it. I haven’t gotten to listen to Shots yet.” I smirked.

His face went totally blank. “Shit! You saw that!? Crap! I’m never going to live this down am I?”

Becky was howling with laughter now. I had to put a hand up to cover my mouth, but I still couldn’t help the few giggles that slipped past. I mean come one, you’d never expect someone like Matty to have that type of song in his iPod.

“Is that – ahaha – your guilty- ahaha- pleasure – aha- Matty? Ahahaha” Becky laughed.

“NO! I just- well….uh….Ijustlikethesong”

“What’s that Matty? I didn’t quite hear the last part of that sentence.” I said.

“Fine! I like the song!” By this time, Matty was about as red as a fire truck.

“Say it’s your guilty pleasure.” Becky said.

Matty looked between the both of us, knowing he wouldn’t be able to weasel his way out of this one, and if he wanted his iPod back he’d have to say it.

“It’s my guilty pleasure” Matty mumbled.

“What? You’re mumbling again Matty! Say it louder!” I laughed.

“IT’S MY GUILTY PLEASURE!” Ahahaaahaaha this is probably the funniest this he has ever said. Becky and I were clutching our sides, desperately trying to breathe.

“Now, give me my iPod Zee.” Matty stated calmly.

“Nope.” I said, popping the ‘p’.

“I don’t think so Firenzee. Now, give it.” He said, reaching out his hand and waiting for it. I looked toward Becky. She smirked, seeing the plan form in my mind. By now the class was completely empty, only us three standing there. Even the teacher had left. I looked back at Becky and then quickly ran from the room, Matty’s iPod still in my hand.

Matty shrieked and started to run after me, but Becky, knowing what I was going to do, jumped on his back. Knocking them both to the ground. He screamed, not expecting her to do so.

‘This is so fun’ I thought to myself, still running.


Oh shit. I looked behind me to see him bounding toward me. I saw Becky still on the ground, laughing. Traitor. Still running, I glanced back at Matty. Shit, he’s catching up. Before I could look back, I ran into what felt like a freaking stone wall. What the hell? Last time I checked there wasn’t a wall in the middle of the hall. Oh my god! That rhymed! *cough* Anyway, I opened my eyes to see who I had fallen on…..and let me tell you I almost shit my pants. His dark brown eyes were glaring at me. Man if looks could kill……

Well isn’t Trey little Mr. Grumpy-Pants?

He shoved me off, which I admit, REALLY hurt. Oww.

“What the hell is wrong with you!? Watch where you’re fucking going next time!” he yelled. I winced, I hate when people yell at me.

“I’m sorry. It was an accident.”

“I don’t care. Just stay out of my way. And just for this, I’m going to make your life hell when I stay over.” He smirked, standing up. Now towering over me.

Matty finally reached us and helped me up, glaring at Trey. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my next class. He stopped in front of the room, hugged me, grabbed his iPod, and said “Be careful.” As he was walking away, I wondered what he could’ve meant by ‘be careful.’ That is until I saw him walking towards me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song while writing this: Celebrity Status by Marianas Trench

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