Status: If you haven't already please read the authors note in Chapter 46, just want to clarify things with you guys :)

I Don't Even Know His Name...

Chapter 35: Safe In Your Room

Alex’s POV:

It had been a good 2 hours since the incident at the dinner table and I hadn’t heard anything from my dad yet. It was expected but it still didn’t lessen the hurt. Why couldn’t he be as excepting as Jack’s dad? Shouldn’t he love me no matter what? Those questions seemed to play with my mind the whole time, it certainly wasn’t helping the situation I was in.

Both me and Jack had retreated to my room for the remainder of the night snuggled up in bed. He reassured me that it was going to work out pressing the occasional kiss to my forehead. I sighed mindlessly fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

“I guess I should’ve expected it. It just came as a shock to see him so upset you know? It just brought back bad memories of Daniel.” I visibly shuddered at the mention of the devastation that his death had caused, but he acted the exact same way. I hated the fact that all I ever got from him for a number of months was the silent treatment and now it was back again. I honestly don’t know if I can cope with him shutting me out again. Obviously noticing the hurt in my eyes he hugged me a little tighter.

“Everything’s going to work out Lex, your dad is probably just surprised be all this. I know he isn’t the person to hold grudges, especially not against his own son.” The sensation of his fingers gently brushing against my cheekbones eased my anxiety a little whilst I sighed against his chest.

“This sucks.” He chuckled softly before pressing a finger under my chin pulling our faces close.

“Trust me okay, this will all blow over in time.” Leaning a bit closer he continued.

“Besides I’m not going anywhere.” Smirking with that all knowing glint in his eyes he leant forward until our noses brushed. Without any hesitation I tilted my head slightly as our lips touched. The effect was almost immediate, that overwhelming sense of warmth and electricity crept into my veins. These feelings were my vice, it was as if I was addicted to the highs Jack supplied me, and right now I craved them.

It was the best sense of reassurance when someone you love is beside you helping you through the dark times as well as the good. My muffled intake of breath was silenced by his all too willing kisses, pulling our bodies close while slowly situating himself above me. Fingers threaded deep into each other’s hair earning hushed whimpers from us both. We were so caught up in the moment it was only now when I noticed Jacks wondering hands moving under my shirt, touching in all the right places. Pulling away momentarily he took the opportunity to nip at my neck, a sudden wave of anxiety washed over me as my eyes rolled back at the power of all these touches.

“Jack... my parents” It was a miracle that I could form sentences at this moment seeing as his fingers were preoccupied massaging my hips. Biting my lip I stifled a groan, he found that spot on my neck that had me shaking.

“Jack!” I said thankfully a little louder which finally got his attention easing away from me with that guilty look on his face.

“Sorry, I really need to work on this self control thing huh?” He replied somewhat nervously scratching his neck, eyes downcast.

“It’s just with what happened down there I’m not sure they would be too happy running in on us. I can’t handle another caught in the act incident.” He nodded with a resentful sigh mumbling a few curses beneath his breath as he lay beside me. I took advantage of the opportunity by switching our positions so that I was on top. To say Jack looked confused was an understatement.

“Although that doesn’t mean we have to stop what we were doing before.” Both of us shared the same grin, leaning in and pressing our lips together once more. This time it was soft brushes rather than the heated kisses we shared not too long ago but it was exactly what I needed. Cupping his jaw with my hands I slowly eased my weight flat onto Jacks body so we were both as close as possible. Judging by his hitched breath he was rather enjoying this. Although as some say all good things must come to an end, yet this came to a very abrupt and anxious end.

“Alex, downstairs please.” We immediately pulled away, a soft smack of lips was the only sound that resonated in my room after the loud bellowing voice that had so cruelly interrupted us. It was obvious who that voice belonged to and that was the one person I was trying to avoid for the rest of the night.

Gulping down the last of my fear I looked towards the door feeling somewhat sick at the thought of even more yelling and arguments. Pecking my cheek lightly Jack sat up motioning for me to hop off the mattress. As I reached the door handle I felt his hands tightly around my waist, soft words of encouragement graced my ears. On the surface my demeanour was calm but below it lay a frightened little boy anticipating the punishment that was about to ensue.

“You’ll be fine.” He whispered whereas I scoffed a little opening the door in front of me, famous last words much?

“I hope so.” And with that I descended down the staircase to face my father’s wrath.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am aware of how ridiculously long this has taken but bear in mind I have had at least 2 exams per day for awhile now and the remainder of my time was spent revising like crazy
So as an apology I have purposely included some Jalex time ;), updated my other fanfic AND finally finished the trailer to I'm Never Changing in which you can watch in the authors note :)
I hope that makes up for everything, just wanted to make it clear this story means a lot to me and I'm not purposely neglecting it. It's just highschool is a bitch atm
So my lovely commenters whom I cherish greatly are: LipstikLullabies, SugarRush; Mentos and diet Coke, IntentToStartAFire, FueledByAmy and Lotte_music
Any comments on the chapter and my video would mean a lot especially because I spent a lot of time making the bugger ;)
Oh and btw the video will make more sense when you read the story but I hope its good anyway :) xXx