Status: If you haven't already please read the authors note in Chapter 46, just want to clarify things with you guys :)

I Don't Even Know His Name...

Chapter 39: Rooms Packed From Window To Wall

Alex’s POV:

Soon after walking back to Jacks he gave me what he explained to be a football jersey to put on. I didn’t argue I was just a little confused to all these rituals surrounding the game. My mind was too focused on the guy’s reaction about me and Jack anyway. Sure I know Rian and Zack weren’t surprised at all, although being with Jack automatically stereotyped us. It would be totally naive of me to think that everything was going to be fine and dandy about announcing our relationship. We both knew we were going to experience some kind of hate or disgust towards us.

Jack didn’t seem fazed one bit, but maybe that’s because he remembers going through all the protesters against All Time Low in the past. As for me, I can’t remember what it’s like to have people judge me on a simple thing such as sexuality and it was really unnerving. Hopefully with everyone’s support the sting of rejection shouldn’t be too harsh to handle especially with Jack beside me. It’s ridiculous that I’m thinking so much into this as we are only telling our crew what they probably already know. To me it’s a big step; I hope I’m not over-thinking it.

“Alex!” I flinched away from the voice that brought me back into reality, a soft haze of thought and worry still clouded over my mind.

“Hmm? Sorry I uh zoned out again, didn’t I?” I even failed to notice the war paint streaked on his cheeks and the fact he already had everything ready to go. He simply smiled ruffling my hair lightly.

“Yeah, just stop worrying kay? It’s all going to work out and besides we are getting wasted tonight anyway so fuck it.” Well it wasn’t surprising that Jacks answer to situations like this was alcohol but to be honest I haven’t touched the stuff since the night of the accident. It’s an occasion to be celebrated and it would certainly ease the nerves that are buzzing constantly inside me. I smirked feeling a little more comfortable than before until the faint jangling of keys snapped me out of it.

“You ready to go?” I gulped looking towards the door a little fearfully.

“C’mere you.” He wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and sighed.

“Its going to be fine, I promise.” At that moment the vivid feeling of heat coursed down my spine as the images flashed hard in my head. It was when we were in the hospital and I was scared about facing the paparazzi. If he kept his word then I knew he would take care of me. Blinking back the past I snuggled a little closer to him reciprocating his motions till we intertwined.

“I’ll hold you to that Barakat.”

~2 Hours Later~

Right now I was squashed between Jack who was currently yelling profanities at the television and Greico who was practically shovelling Doritos into his mouth at a record pace. Rians beat up leather couch was way too small for five people to sit on, yet everyone was defiant and piled on anyway. The rest of the guys were buzzing around the screen, eyes glued to it like zombies. I don’t know why but I guess I wasn’t as into it as everyone else is. I guess it’s because we’ve been here for two hours and we still haven’t announced anything.

Yep I was frustrated to say the least. While Jack on the other hand was having a fucking whale of time, chanting along with everyone and helping himself to the mother-load of beer in front of us. Sure he wasn’t drunk yet, I simply wished he would hurry up and help me tell everyone so I didn’t have to worry about anything. All of sudden Colussy was insistent on joining us on the couch and with a collective groan he squished in beside Greico. However in turn the remote was squashed between Rian and Zack.

The whole room became an uproar of screams as everyone went scrambling for the device. Although I was more concerned about the fact that in the midst of the chaos Greico and half the packet of crisps ended up in my lap. Perfect. It was at that time I got up stating I was going to the bathroom feeling pretty annoyed at the whole thing. I managed to dust off my jeans whilst everyone was more concerned that the right channel was found again, glad that the match was back on. As I dejectedly got up and shimmied past people on the couch whilst they’d grunt and shove me past them just so they could see the screen. That obviously included Jack. Ugh typical.

I thought I slipped out of the room unnoticed yet I was proved otherwise when someone grabbed my arm. After the initial shock died down I saw Matt looking at me intently.

“What’s wrong Alex? You seem pretty pissed.” I shrugged not really knowing how to answer his question.

“Nothing.” My mumble was blatantly not very convincing besides Matt could always see through my haphazard lies. I learnt that early on from trying to smuggle vodka into the van when I was seventeen. That didn’t go down to well when he told my parents, lil fucker.

“Seriously what’s going on?” I was at the end of my rope so my mouth started running on its own accord.

“It’s probably because Jack is paying more attention to a game I don’t even understand any more than to someone who needs to announce something pretty damn important to everyone. Some boyfriend huh?” But as soon as my mind registered my word vomit the last three words stuck out especially since Matt was staring at me wide eyed in disbelief. I lamely covered my mouth in horror but it didn’t magically undo what I said. I just said boyfriend, shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
I liked writing the whole game situation
You can just imagine the chaos a Ravens game would cause with the ATL crew :L
Ooo so here is my crimbo prezzie for all yall, hope you have an awesome one tomorrow :)
My lovely people who have been sehr nice are: Lotte_music, LipstikLullabies, All.Your.Hate., sunshinerainbows, FrEaK_oF_lIFe, KobraKid, MyLostHorizon andMentos and diet Coke. I'm sure there are various members of ATL waiting for you in your stockings ;)
More updates soon but for now MERRY CHRISTMAS! xXx