Status: dead </3 for now?

Your Lips Are a Hot Flame

Chapter Four - Jacks POV

Jack pulled on all his clothes and quickly smashed his feet into his Nikes, throwing a Blink - 182 hoodie and rushing out of the bus, the door slamming behind him. He had to find Alex, he had no idea where he would be, Alex could be anywhere. Jack wandered around his eyes flilling with tears.

Soon the sky opened and heavy rain began to fall, droplets falling onto Jacks face mixing with the tears, he had been wandering around the venue for a while but soon saw something moving. Jack ran over to the moving object as he got closer he realised it was Alex. Jack shouted his name but he brought his legs upto his chest and buried his head in his knees.

"Alex! Alex! Please! I'm so, so, so sorry!" Jack cried, falling to his knees into a puddle, Jack couldn't have cared less though.

"Jack, go away." Alex sobbed, "I don't want to speak to you right now!"

"You told me you were ready! What was I supposed to do?!" Jack asked sighing trying to pull his quivering boyfriend into a hug, but he flinched away.

"Jack, please just go." Alex sighed. "I don't want to speak to you."

"No, fuck this, I am staying until you speak too me. We need to talk Alex." Jack cried.

Alex looked up at him, his face was wet, his hair was a mess and his eyes were filled with sadness, hurt and disgust. Alex sobbed into his knees, although Jack was right they did have to talk this out and he knew Jack would make him. Jack took Alex's hand, it was stone cold, he sighed as Alex pulled it away harshly.

"I thought I was ready, but I wasn't...I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen Jack!" Alex cried into his knee's. "I didn't even have an erection and I wasn't making any moans, and you did not notice. I didn't want to dissapoint you."

"Alex, I am sorry! I love you. You are my whole entire world, I don't want this to come inbetween us. I need you Alex." Jack whispered, rain drops running off his face, he was a mess and so was Alex.

"Jack, I love you." Alex whispered. "I just need space and time, please."

And with that, Alex got up and left Jack all alone, he watched as his boyfriend made his way back to the bus. Sobs racked through Jack's body as he quivered and shook, he was cold and he was lightheaded but he didn't go back to the bus, he crawled over to the wall and lay his head in his knees, still sobbing, he knew he had fucked things up big time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haii it's japii.
I want comments. okay?
okay. :)
love you guysss! <3♥