Status: Updates in between Saturday and Sunday GMT time

School Will Never Be the Same

Chapter 12

When I was getting ready for school the next day I was worried about a few things. And looking forward to a few too! First I was worried about Max, maybe he would be able to get to me, I can’t spend my entire life in Mr. Ways classroom, hiding. I have stuff I need to do. But then again I would prefer to hide than have to be alone with Max again. I would take hiding over that. I was also a little excited about afterschool with Mr. Way, obviously. I was also looking forwards to an experiment in science, which is pretty boring stuff to most people. But I like mixing dangerous chemicals in order to create stuff. I kind of made sure I looked nice that day as well. For any reason to boost my confidence a little or to catch Mr. Ways eye. Whatever one sounds best.

It was the last day I would be seeing my car this week on the accounts my dad was taking it when he’s goes in for the weekend tomorrow. I was going to miss my car. I like the freedom of driving myself around.

The most significant part of my day was after school with Mr Way. Max was not in form and I didn’t see him once. I stayed at the back of Mr. Ways class that day anyways. Just to be on the safe side. That’s what Gerard told me. And that was the truth. I told the part of me which thought it was for other reasons, that was impossible and to stop being stupid and unrealistic. The stupid and unrealistic part of my brain is always at its most active around Mr. G Way. When it came to our after school session we discussed the open day, what time he was picking me up and he insisted on paying for the whole day and for my lunch and possible dinner depending on how long it was going to run for. I liked the idea. I would make this day last as long as possible. But not in a creepy way. I felt bad that he was going to be spending all this money on me though.

Sunday couldn’t come around quick enough in my opinion. At work on Saturday I could barely get an order right. I just wanted to get home and day dream in private. I had an outfit picked out the day we organised all this. But Sunday arrived and I woke up at 6 in order to get ready. He was picking me up at 8 and the things started at 10, it was a two and a bit hour drive, but it says on the invite to arrive when you can, everything’s basically repeated a couple of times for those whose who come from further away.

At 8 I had just finished getting ready, putting my stuff in my Jack Skeleton messenger bag and brushing my hair so each strand stayed where I wanted it. He knocked on my door and I jumped from my skin. I ran down the stairs, my parents had already gone to work so I didn’t need to worry about waking them.

“Hey, Gerard,” I smiled when I'd opened the door he smiled and slid his sunglass up so I could see it was him. “Come in, I’ve got to put my converse on.” I showed him into my living room and offered refreshments, which he declined. It was weird having in my house, around my stuff. It felt like two parts of my life which are meant to be separate, are beginning to join.

“Can I use your bathroom?” He asked while I tied my laces I nodded.

“Yeah, straight up the stairs, then left, if you find yourself in front of a door with posters and stuff on the front, you’ve gone to far.” He smiled and went to find the bathroom. 15 minutes later he still hadn’t returned. And I thought girls took forever to pee. I considered going up and finding out if he was ok but that could be a little awkward. So I came up with a reason to go up and find out where abouts in my house he was. And it was a good reason, I had left my phone on charge upstairs. I walked up slowly listening out for footsteps, but nothing.

When I got to my room, I had passed the empty bathroom, the door was a open just a little. Which isn’t right. I had closed it. I always close my door. I like people to have to face the door, if they can handle that they can go inside. I decorate my door with the more ‘scary’ stuff I own, Slipknot poster, a sign which says Eff parental advisory, a nightmare before Christmas postcard, crime scene tape and a couple of pictures from the television show heroes. My light was on as well. I pushed open my door and Gerard was standing by my book case looking at my large CD collection. Having my teacher in my room is just plain wrong. When he heard I had entered the room he took a step back. His face was worried.
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The next chapters almost finished so I may post that today or tomorrow. Enjoy!