The Devil Who Kidnapped the Dork!

The Devil Who Kidnapped The Dork! - Chapter 3


Everyone leaned back in their chairs anxiously as Mr. Harris's muffled voice had made through. "Right, this way Mr. Ryers" he directed, merrily. Will scoffed as placed the pen cap in her mouth and began chewing it. Bad habit I suppose?

The jolly old man perked in with his flushed face and a happy expression. "Class I would like you to meet, Mr. Ryers" he directed and in came one of the most. . .


"Just call me Patch" he stated, in a slight nasal way. He looked somewhat decent, I mean he wasn't a nerd or anything but, he was like another Gabe. He was wearing modern thick framed glasses, mocha brown shaggy hair, he was some what well built but, slouchy. He was wearing a stripped shirt that went vertical, and a pair of black slacks. He looked like a normal teen. Will, snorted as the other girls hyperventilated in digust. Will turned to find Carmindy, who shrivelled in her seat. Her mouth started to form the words 'oh boy' which made Will chuckle.

"Ew, what a waste of $12.50" groaned Candy. Will was guessing it was probably her designer lip gloss gone to a waste. She was having a hell of a time, as she watched in amusement.

"Now, you can go on and take a seat anywhere" comanded Mr. Harris as the boy shrugged. "I suppose I'll go take a seat next to the guy" he stated pointing at Will, who looked taken back. Giggles were made behind me. "Maybe he ain't so bad. . ." slowly drawled Genita.

He walked over to Will who slightly shuffled away as he sat down casually. "Hello, ladies. . ." he said, flirtasiously, ". . .and gentleman." Will hissed, as she sniffed. "FYI, newbie. . . I'm a girl" Will said, as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Mhm, want to prove it?" he asked, "my place or yours?" She made a face of disgust, knowing were he was going with this. She gawked as she turned away.

"Disgusting, jackass. . ." she said. He snorted, as he pushed up his glasses and began listening in on the lecture. "Who would want to sleep with you?" Will clearly stated with a disapproving scoff. "You'll be surprised, to point were you will" he snickered, looking straight into her eyes. There was this glint of curiousity in his eyes. "I'm sorry but, I didn't catch your name. . ." he said, looking around casually. "Will, short for Willow. ."she said through her gritted teeth. He chuckled as her nose flared. "Very, nice. . ." he commented, as he scribbled down what was being jotted on the board. "My ass," mumbled Will to herself, in the corner of she could see him smiling at her stupidly, as she frowned.

"Say, Patch. . ." started Candy, "your dad's a what, again?" Will rolled her eyes aggitatedly. He scoffed a bit in a concieted way and then replied coolly to her.

"He's the founder and CEO of Indigo Freyton" he said, in high demand. 'Jerk' thought aloud Will. "Oh, wow. . .then that's a lot of money you have got there" said Genita in awe. He nodded, slyly. "Hey, you ladies should come over some time?" he asked, ". . .I mean it's okay if you don't want to hang with a dork like me." They 'awed' as they whispered to each other, making up their descions. "Aw, your not a dork. . ."cooed Genita. "And we would love to," finished off Candy.

He nodded in satisfaction. "Cool, then I'll be seeing you guys at the party this coming saturday?" he asked, hopeful. Genita's mouth went open in pleasent surprise, she and Candy switched excited looks. "Le duh! Of course we'd come. . ." gasped Genita, as she gripped onto Candy. "Sweet, spread the word. . ." and with that the bell rang. He darted calmly, and Will sigh heavily. He stopped, as he looked at Will.

"Later, Willow" he said smiling. Will cringed. "Don't call me that" she declared. He looked thoughtful and then made a face agreeing to her comment. He sighed and then looked her with a shy grin. "Yea, your right. . . I shouldn't call you that" he stated simply, and left. Will looked confused, but to her confusement he replied when he reached the door.

"I think, Elaine brings more grace don't you?" he asked and simply left. Will, just sighed out in aggrivation and in shock. How the hell did the newbie know her middle name?! Will felt slightly creeped out as she heard soft footsteps progress towards her and it was Carmindy.

"Now, is the doofus you were so worked up over?" Will asked as her hand directed the seat he sat in. Carmindy pursed in lips as her eyes, narrowed and she just shrugged. "You know, all the rich stereotypes" she said.

"Don't we all . . ." Will replied, jaded.

"Come on, I know someone who cheer you up" chriped Carmindy as she linked her arms through Will's. She dragged Will, outside to see Gabe waiting there for her near the lockers. He was playing with his chunky gaming device. This somehow made Will crack up.

"Hey! Gaby baby!" Carmindy, cried as he looked up in surprise. She laughed at his face, it was priceless. She waved and went off to Jacquelyn who was beckoning for her to come over.

"Well, that's Carmindy for you," Will, said and she pecked Gabe's cheek. He laughed, as he kept playing. "So how was first period?" he asked, as the bleeping of the device was going off in between. "You see the rich scum, yet?" he continued.

She scoffed. "Yeah, what a royal pain in the ass I tell you" she said, gnawing at her nails. Gabe laughed. "HAHA, die you stupid mutation!" he yelled, at the device, finally looked up to his girlfriends eyes, "sorry alright, what did he do?"

"Got my gender wrong, and pretty was concieted. . ."she replied. "Oh, ouch" he hissed, and Will smiled at his sympathy, "that's going to leave a mark." He was scratching at the screen of the device. Will rolled her eyes. Figures.

He looked up. "Well, you could be easily fooled as a male," he said with a shrug, ". . .and hey he's flithy rich." He moved in on her, and snaked his arm around her waist and leaned in. His warm breath brushed her ear. "Expect it. . ." he seductively, purred. She laughed, as she pushed him away slightly. "Don't you think your going over it. . ." she asked. "Whaaaaaat?" he asked so cutely, and innocently.

"Someone's been watching too much romance films" Will, made gagging noises as Gabe laughed. "Won't you let a guy try?" he asked, arms tossed in the air.

"Nope," she said popping the 'p', ". . .cause for guys like you it should be illegal." He pouted, as he placed his hands on his hips. "Aw, now your in for it. . ." he added.
She gave him this irrestisable, puzzled face as he chuckled. "In for what?" she asked, and before she could blink his supple lips plunged for hers as she stiffled a muffled laugh. They finally parted, as they continued laughing.

"Mmm, wow. I thought, you never had this kind of game in you" asked a surprised masculine voice.

Both heads darted, and to Will surprise. . .
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-lol, yeah Patch ain't gonna be dorky for too long. Just saying.