The Devil Who Kidnapped the Dork!

The Devil Who Kidnapped The Dork! - Chapter 5


It was 6:30 pm, and Will's mom was busy making supper as Will sat there watching tv. But, getting tired of watching a crime show marathon, she went up to her room.

As she entered her room she noticed how it was in a disarray. Clothes, toppled over and a pile of school worked that was collided on her desk. Will, sighed as she slowly strode in and swiftly cleaned it up. Tucking it under her bed and pushed her paperwork in the over flowing drawers. She then sat at her desk and slowly her head bobbed down and was about to rest her heavy head against her desk top, but then a loud bang startled her out of place. Making her jump, and catch her breath for a couple of seconds.

She gulped.

Getting up she gradually walked towards the door, and peered out from the opening above. "Mmmm, Gloria. . ." slurred a familiar voice. Oh god, thought Will frantically.

"Tom," her mom said out cautiously, as she watched her husband wobble towards her. Will's mother wheelled herself out as Tom ploppled himself on the couch. Will, jogged in to were her father was. She stood there dumbfounded, but her mom's experssion was even worse. Her mom stood there, with her hand to her opened mouth and watched utterly speechless.

"Oh, look it's Wilma" he chuckled, pointing at his daughter with the remote controller. "It's Willow" she muttered looking down, and he hiccuped a laugh.


Will, rolled her eyes as she folded her arms against her chest, guessing this is were the questioning began. "Where were you?" calmly asked, Will. He hummed, swaying in thought. "Well. . ."

Will, watched impatiently. "I was apparently dragged into a pub, forgot how though" he said, putting his finger to his stubbly chin showing that he was thinking deeply.

"But, luckily a nice gentleman had found me and returned me back home to my home. . ." he jerked, as he stifled a burp, "back to my lovely wife and daughter."

He was smiling so big, it was irratating Will. "Oh, yes. Matter of fact I told him to wait out" he stated, putting up his pointing finger and then fell sideways on the couch, completely out cold. Will sighed.

"I'll be back."

And with that she left to thank the man for putting up with her fathers nuisance. Will strolled down her foyer and got to the front door and opened it to find it dark, but was dim by the streetlights. On the road parked in front of her home, was a beautiful Ashton, sleek black. The owner was casually leaning against the hood. It was too dark to tell, and the distance made it fuzzy to see who it was. So Will, softly closed the door behind her and tugged on the ends of her brothers navy blue pullover as the wind blew. She walked across her dead lawn and looked both ways before crossing over to the stranger. She stopped mid way to the actual owner. He was wearing a black coat and was standing there ever so still.

"Excuse me. . ." Will softly called, cringing to the cold weather. The man turned, and to her dismay it was Patch. He was smiling gently in slight surprise. Dressed formally, made Will feel like a hobo. It made her feel, poor and useless. His hands tucked in his dress pants as he scrutinized her with mixed emotions that ran his face.

"Willow?" he asked, grinning in a jerk manner looking around before fixing a steady glance at her. Will looked down and felt embrassed, ashamed and mainly angry. Her cheeks flushed to the cold, as her anger began to uncoil itself.

". . .So your the one who brought, my dad home" she whispered looking down. He sighed. "Yeah, I did."

"He was kind of out of the place, I actual got him when he tried to fall in front of my car" he said sharply, as he scoffed thinking, what an idiot. Will groaned to herself, now Patch is going to think that her family is a bunch of drunkards. Next thing you know, he might come to a point where he'll assume her mothers a hooker. Were has her world come to?

"Oh, god. . ."she mumbled, closing her teary eyes tight. Patch slightly feeling her sympathy asked. "Has he never come home before?" Oh my, was Patch Ryers, giving her sympathy.

Her lips, twitched into a frail denial as she sighed. "No," she whispered. He hummed, and nodded. . . It started to become deathly with silence.

"Well, yeah he's home." He said awkwardly. "Though, I'm not really fond of you. . . thanks for that" reminded Will, he bowed. "Yeah, whatever. Though, I could have cared less" he shrugged.


"Right, even if it was your own dad."

He chuckled. "Nah, he know's too well" he remarked, what was that suppose to mean? Will rolled her eyes. "Anyways," she said through her gritted teeth. "I do apologize, for my fathers juevenile behaviour."

He laughed. Again, and this time it had this truth behind it. "It's okay. I enjoyed his prescence" he said, as he ducked into his car. Starting the engine, he rolled down his windows down and said, "He's one open book if you tell me." He threw a flirtatious wink, through his glasses and began gnawing on him gum. Will's eyes widened knowing how blunt her dad could be when he got drunk. Sometimes to an extent were he once admitted to my mom, he got his best friend's sister pregnant in high school. What a nightmare! It took him a while to convince that the women actually passed away in a horrible accident which was true. It got her mom relaxed, for while. Though her mind was firmly wrapped on pressing a divorce, her suffering was well spent enough and it was time she settled it out and went to live with her mother. Of course with Will, who would be accompanying her.

"No," she gasped, in disbelief. He half smirked showing of his famous dimples, making him look provoking. "Don't worry, that's our secret babe" he purred, sweetly. She huffed. Does he not know that she has a boyfriend.

"Go, away Ryers."

He laughed, as he pulled the gear shift yanking it towards him. "I know you care," he taunted, she shook her head no and began to walk away. It was getting quite chilly. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow? At the party?" he yelled as Will waged her hand in the air as a goodbye. Then she peered behind her. "Alright, then" he shrugged, provokingly. She shook her head, aggitated to his goofy grin he smothered on for so long.

She jogged up to her steps to her porch as the Ashton zoomed off with it's engine accelerating at high octaves. Her head whirled around and the car whizzed out of sight. Her heart raced as the car zoomed out the quiet street. Sluggishly, Will opened the door and entered her warm, and toasty home. She could smell her mom's pasta and homemade rolls. Slowly closing the door behind her see threw off her shoes and walked in. "So what did he say?" asked Will's mom refering to my little intervention with the stranger.

"Oh, nothing really."

Her mother nodded and went back to striring her contents of sauce. "Well, I'm glad he's home" she admitted frankly, with a sly smile on her face. "I guess in a sense. . .so am I" agreed Will. Her mom smiled while striring.

"Could you do me a favor before we eat?" Will nodded, her mom peered over Will's shoulder and Will followed her gaze. "Take your father upstairs. . .oh, and honey could you tell me if this okay?" her mom, dabbed a spoonful of sauce on her daughters palm, and Will licked it and nodded in satisfaction her mom reached over and turned off the boiling stove. "Alright, well you do that. . . while I get the table set up."

Will, sighed but did what her mother told her to do. She walked over to her father who laid there with his arms dangling off the furniture. Will got him up, with high amounts of force. She grunted as she got her father to slump against her. Limping her way up the stairs she lead her and her father into the master bedroom. "Will. . ." he croaked, and Will peeked over to him hesitantly.

"Patch is really nice don't you think?" he grumbled as his beer breath hit her face as she wrinkled her nose. Her jaw contracted, as her dad began to blabber again and again. She sighed, annoyed.

". . .I don't get what you see in Gabe fellow" he asked kiddishly. "Dad. . ."warned Will.

He laughed. "Yes, Will. I'll leave you two alone" he surrendered, "though all I'm asking is what is wrong with Patch?"

"Who's that?" lied Will, her father looked dazed but managed to keep his head up. Will put him on the bed and made him lie down. "You know. . .the. . ." he slurred off before falling back to sleep, Will pulled the covers over and walked out, closing the door behind her. As soon as she got out the phone rang, and Will steadily walked down the steps. She entered to the kitchen to see a maternal smile slapped on her mother's face. She stopped by the doorway of the kitchen and watched. Her mom seemed oddly happy as she giggled. Will, watched sceptically. Soon enough her moms head jerked to were she was standing and her smiled widened.

"Oh! Look, Will's here!" she chirped, her hand was happily pressed on her lips. Will, could hear slight mumbles on the other end as her mom laughed. "The phones for you" she said, handing over the reciever, Will looked at the device hesistantly and took it in her hands. She looked back at her mother while she walked away with the phone clutched in her hands. Slowly making out to the living room she plopped herself in the couch and cautiously pressed the phone against her ears.

"Hello?" she said, hushed tone. It was quiet for awhile, on the other end. "Will, is that you?" a familiar manly voice sounding amazed.

"Marcus?" Will asked, dumbfounded and utterly speechless. He chuckled. "Yes, sir" he commanded, with a laugh. Will joined, oh goodness.

"Okay, you have to cut that out." Warned Will, jokingly. "Alright, sis" he stated, simering down, "so how is it there?" He asked with high amount of care and love. That was Marcus, and it's what made them close.

"Yeah, it's been going well. But, hey I want to know how you got your connection?" she wondered, happily. He huffed, a small laugh.

"It wasn't that easy, Will" he glumly stated.


Did he do something he was not suppose? Was this an illegal connection? "You didn't. . ." she started off, doubtful.

"No! No, no" he replied quickly. Will sighed, relieved. "I missed hearing your voice, and moms. Somehow, we found an open line and used advantage" he explained, "the bad part is that, I have to do this quick before we loose this line."

"Oh, well I'm fine with that I suppose" added Will.

"Anyways, dad. . .has he come home?" Will fixed her glance onto the carpet heavily in daze. Marcus, was hoping the obvious which was a no, cause thats what she had always told him before.

"Yes, he has" Will said monotone. It was dead silent. "Really?" he slowly said, emphasizing it a bit. Will bit her bottom lip, and sighed.

"I just took him upstairs, almost got killed" she said, trying to keep her out her tears that had gotten to her throat. Marcus, hummed and he was thinking. "Well, main reason I called was I have some good news" he told her.

"Mom seemed happy about it, but I want to hear how you felt about this kiddo."

"Okay, but if it's anything about. . ." she was about to ramble on but he cut her off.

"I'm coming home."

Will, was now at the verge of a mix of happiness and shockter. Her brother was coming home. "Wait, what?" she asked again.

"I'm coming home."

"No way!" she said, perked up on the couch in excitement. "How?"

"I took a leave, and they thought if it was better if I spent time with you guys, especially in the condition you guys are in at this moment, figured that yeah. . ." Will laughed. "You talk alot," she commented.

"So I've been told" he grumbled.

She smiled. "So when?" she questioned on further. "Uhm, well I'm coming in about 2 or 3 weeks depending on when my trianing is over."

Will, was happy to hear the good news knowing that there isn't a bad one coming after. "I'll be looking forward to see you then" marked Will. He laughed.

"So hows that boyfriend of yours?" he asked, Will could tell him snickering a bit.

Aha, he means Gabe! She still couldn't get used to the fact. "Yeah, it's going good" she answered, coolly, "speaking of relationships, are you seeing anyone?"

He scoffed a sly laugh to himself. "No, not in this state."

"Ahhh, I feel you dilemma bro" she stated. "Sure, you do lovergirl" he snorted, as she laughed.

"I miss you, Marcus" she mumbled. "I miss you too."

All of a sudden a yell was made on the other line, and Will jumped abit. "Hey, look I got to go the connection is about to cut" he hurried. "Bye, Wils."

"Okay, bye" she said, and click went the phone. She sighed and pushed herself off the couch and went into the kitchen to see her mom already eating.

She put the phone away and pulled herself a seat next to her mom. As she set herself a plate of paste and rolls, and dug in. "So yeah, excited that Marc is coming home?" asked her mom.

"Are you kidding me, I'm beyond that!"

Her mom laughed. "I figured."

"He got the connection, which was surprising" cocked an eyebrow, to her mom. "I know," her mom said half mouth of food.

"Thank god he never asked about your father" she said satisfied, digging in forkfuls of pasta. "But, he did" Will, said looking down. Will could hear the clink of her mom's fork going down. "Really?" Will nodded, she gave a small laugh in disbelief, "never thought he would have asked, after all these months of asking the obvious."

She dabbed her mouth with a napkin. "I guess he figured that dad, had to come home sooner than later" Will sighed. "I suppose," forced out her mother, "though, did he seem upset?"

Will sighed, and placed her fork down and place her head in her hand and darted her eyes at her mom. "Not, well enough to tell" shrugged Will.


"I guess he care's enough not to show it" added Will, "I mean he is not your same ol'e Marcus you know."

Her mom nodded, in agreement. "Your right, he never will be the same old Marc. Ever since, he's been in military school I don't think that will be possible" she sighed.

"You can't really be sure of that mom" called Will. "I think I can." And with that she rolled into the living room with her food, and Will huffed, looking into her food.