The Devil Who Kidnapped the Dork!

The Devil Who Kidnapped The Dork! - Chapter 6


It was Saturday, afternoon and Carmindy had came over and offered to dress Will up. Though she was not up for it, she let her friend do her so called magic just to make her feel good.

"Oh, Will," began Carmindy, "I so happy your letting me do this!"

Will rolled her eyes, as she nodded. Though she never thought why would she want to start so early when it was only 3 pm in the afternoon. "Uhm, Carm. . ." said Will, as her friend was busily shuffling through her gigantic purse.


"Why am I getting ready so early?" she asked, jaded.

Carmindy chimed, a shrilly giggle. "Oh silly, you need a lot of work. . ."

"Oh, boy" she muttered. Let the fun begin!

But, something ran her mind and it was Gabe. How was she going, to tell him that they should not see each other? How was it going to be possible. Her friendship with him would be on the line. . .She sighed, as she watched anxiously.

"So whats on you mind?" Carmindy asked, as she pulled out different tools.

Will sighed. "So many things."

Carmindy tilted her head, wondering what was running through my mind. In her hands was a tan colored bottle full what she assumed was foundation and in the other was a brush.

"Really, like what?" she coaxed, as she skipped over and placed the brush down.

"Uhm. . ."

Carmindy's back was now facing towards her. "Come on, Will. Just spill" Carmindy beckoned. Will then sucked in a deep, and longing breath.

". . .I'm planning on breaking up with Gabe" and with the Carmindy spun around and the foundation dropped out of her hands. Her face cringed as the bottle collided, and hit the hardwood floor. The thick foundation smeared, the mahogany floor as it was running.

"What?" she breathed out, ". . .why?"

I fumbled, unsure. I watched as she looked at me almost pleadingly. I looked at her teary eyed. "I'm asking you why?" she demanded, in disbelief as I struggled for words. Air was being forced out in short stutters, as my breath hitched. Hurting me as my heart clutched itself, and plump fiercely.

". . .I-I just can't live up a lie" Will sobbed, and her friends mouth was slightly opened as she scanned the floor.

Carmindy shook her head. "You never did" she whispered, and Will's teary eyes met with Carmindy.

"What do you mean?" Will asked.

". . .I mean you never did lie to him about your friendship" she stated. Will thought long and hard. "Will. . ."

Will looked up. "Don't hurt yourself too hard."

Will chuckled a little as her brows and forehead relaxed. She shrugged off her shoulders and slumped. "Whatever, seems to float your boat. Then be my guest" softly added Carmindy, who was now cleaning up the thick foundation.

"Oh, right. Sorry about the mess" she said guiltily.

"Don't bother."

Carmindy was wiping up the gunk off the floors, with a small smile. "So when are you planning to break the news?"

"Tonight?" Will said, hopeful.

Carmindy, stopped. "Are you insane?" she practically yelled.


"That's harsh, especially when its at a party. Who know's he may end up drunk." Carm explained, though Will never thought about it that way.

"Not, really" Will said in a small voice.

"Whatever, I just find it not right. . ." Will looked thoughtful, and then sighed.

". . .Same, I think I should sleep on it for awhile. You know make up my mind first" Carmindy nodded, in agreement.

Will rose to her feet, and picked up the bottle of half spilt foundation. "Now, what were we planning to do with this?" Will wondered, holding up the dripping piece of plastic.

"Things. . ." Carmindy stated, grabbing it out of her hands. Will made a worried face.

"Oh, no" she groaned, as her friend pushed her back on the bed. "Don't worry!" she chirped.

Will's eyes, twitched.

Getting girly was not something she had planned on. Make up, was yuck to her. She never found herself in a dress, nor in heels. None, of them worked out for her.

* * *





5:30. . .

A couple of hours were, being killed as Carmindy tossed several dresses at her tuckered friend. Will was buried in new bought dresses, as she groaned as more were being brought out.

"NOOOO!" growled Will, climbling out of the pile of chiffron. Her mouth felt rough as the taste of wire scraped her tounge.

"Come on!" she whined, pulling out a off white strapless dress. Will's eyes went wide in horror. "No sir, will I go out wearing that!" declared, Will firmly.

"Oh, yes you are!" she pushed the dress forward. "Go, shoo! I want to see you in this!"

She pushed Will into the washroom. Will willingly pulled on the dress with hate. It easily slid over her head, as the dress hugged her hips and showed her body. Will, made a face but forced herself out.

She walked out, as her friend gasped. "I know right. It looks bad" Will added, and her friend gave her a glare.

"No! You look sexy!" she squealed. Will rolled her eyes.

"Meaning ugly?"


Will, laughed as she trudged into the chair. "Nothing, extravagent please" she ordered.

"Sure thing, ma'am" replied Carmindy in a heavy southern accent.

Will put her finger up and gave a whirl in fake excitement. "Take me away," she chimed as Carmindy whirlled her around.

The whole time Carm, had fun touching her up. Will felt funny as her face felt powdery and sticky sort of. She anxiously waited upon Carm to finish.

"Done yet?"


. . .



Will waited for a couple of seconds.



Will tapped her foot impatiently.

"How about now?"

Carm groaned dramatically.


It was only 3 minutes that passed by, but Carm was done adding a couple finishing touches to her masterpiece.

"Ok. Ah-Ha" she said, her tounge lolling out and her eyebrows furrowed. "Almost, just a little bit of MacErai. . .and. . ."


Will sighed in relief. "Ready?"

Sucking in a deep breath, Will closed her eyes and nodded. Carm with a big smile took her hand, and lead her to a vanity.

Will stood in front of the mirror and gaped at how she looked like.

The dress sashayed, her body making her look femine. More girl like. It was fit on her, showing never before seen curves. Her face looked simple. Black eyeliner, and some light eyeshadow, and a touch of lip gloss. The eye make up made her amber eyes stand out beautifully. The foundation and blush made her face angular and angellic. Will's eyes was wide.

"Is that me?" gasped Will, astounished herself. Her friend nodded gracefully, tightly squeezing the side of her shoulders. A small smile poked through Will's face.

"I have to say, I do look good thanks to you" she admitted, turning around to hug her friend. "Your welcome" Carm whispered.

"Mmm, those beauty classes did pay off. I should say" Will commented, examining herself.

"Well, what can I say. It 50 bucks well spent" she smiled genuinely.


Will felt something she had never in her years of highschool felt.

And that was hope. She had never let anyone do anything like this to her before, a cement wall she had built up around her. How careless she was about her looks. It never impressed anyone, and now she was going to impress eveyone.

I worried her that she would get unwanted attention, especially from unwanted people.

People, such as. . .

. . .Patch.
♠ ♠ ♠
someones going to look smokin' at the party.
Hopefully Patch will, notice let's hope! =D