The Devil Who Kidnapped the Dork!

The Devil Who Kidnapped The Dork! - Chapter 7


"Where is he?" grumbled Will, as they struck a lonely road. Willow was sitting in the back seat as Carmindy tried to look out for Gabe who said he would be meeting them.

"Uhm, he gave me this address. . ."

Will, slouched back into her seat. "This dress is being a pain in the ass" she complained, tugging on the sides.

"Stick a cork in it. . ." muttered Carmindy in frustration. Will, huffed as Carmindy put on a signal and turned and parked on a curb.

"Okay, I guess we gotta wait" she declared, pulling off her seat belt, that was clung on her. She was wearing a emerald green dress, and black stilettos. Her hair curled to match her devious face. She looked amazing to be honest. Will, was dressed a white dress, strapless and femine. Her hair pined back with a pin, and wore a pair of nice gladiator sandals.

Simple accessories accented her, as Carmindy went slight extravagent.

Her heart thundered as a shadow came into the clearing and tapped on her window. Carmindy smiled ever so big.

"GABE!" she yelled.

She opened the door and so did Will, who willingly crawled out in freight. Her lips played a unsure welcoming smile as Gabe stuttered to find the words, as his blue dress shirt and pants never seemed to match compared to how she was dressed. His tongue rang his lips, as he bit his bottom lip. He then looked down and chuckled nervously.

"Uhm, wow. Willow, that you?" he asked, like any other man would ask. Will nodded, hands in the air surrendering her prescence.

He chuckled once more, and scratched the back of his head. "You. . .you look amazing" he said, looking at her up and down.

"You don't look bad yourself, my WOW master" she told him. "Thanks," he mumbled.

"I would say the same. . ."

Carmindy looked at us so lovingly. "Oh, so need a group hug" she beckoned pulling in Will and Gabe at the same time. Sqeeuzing them in her excessive love.

"Okay, yeah we should go." Will, murmured.

Carmindy sighed and let go, getting into her car. Gabe chortled and cued for Will to get in. They were all in the vehical and Carmindy backed out of the deserted area and left towards Clifton Manors.

Will, couldn't help but to notice in the cornor of her eye how dazed Gabe must be as he had this unexplainable look on his face. Will smothered a confident smile as her fingers creeped into his tensed hands which were placed on his thighs. She held and gave it a small squeeze telling him to relax. He looked at her and smiled. She played a smiled but then twitched away as her heart threw itself against her ribcage.

She realized how she was going to miss that smile if she told him the truth. She knew Gabe well enough to know that this would hurt, especially coming from a best friend. Will, was confused.

Her mind was boggled, to whether he'll act calm or upset towards the idea. She never knew, her best friend well enough to tell if he could take it? But, she thought might as well make the best of it tonight. She sighed, as she kept playing a fake smile.

The road ahead, was clear until it lead up to a massive house, where lights flashed around it.

"Oh. . ." Carmindy gaped.

"My. . ." Gabe took a gasp.

". . .God" Will said the last word wide eyed, as they neared the mansion that laid on a acre of land. A sheek house, as a beautiful lake laid, behind the huge house. Several teens were being kicked as some rolled over drunk and wobbled off picking on girls.

Sluts and whores, just walked around the lot attracting a mob of drunk and sober men. As they trailed along with them. Some of them were picking up casual convos in the middle of the lot. Carmindy, was swooned by many guys who gave her that smirk as she smiled back, kinky. "Don't do anything stupid" caught Will, monotone.

"What" asked Carmindy. "Don't make me tell Emma" Emma being in her mother, who's a strict women if you tell me. She expected the best out of Carmindy, only reason she was forced to hang around me. Carmindy hated it at first thinking how Will was a goody goody, but as time went by she enjoyed being with Will. Their bond as cousins and friends grew, as they became insperable.

"Fine" she grumbled, parking the car. As she turned off the engine, Will hesitantly stepped out with Gabe on her tail. She dusted off her dress as it looked wrinkly, and linked arms with Gabe, who's eyes scoured the area.

"Cool, place" he commented, as his head darted everywhere.


They walked in as the guard gave a small smile, and let them in. Will walked as the place looked stunning. The whole place was. . .


Will noticed something below her and so did the others. Underneath their feet was a glass floor with fish and exotic sea creatures lurking in the water under the glass. It was cool, as they stepped down the steps of the foyer.

"Hey, hey beautiful" greeted a boy with red brown hair, as he looked at Carmindy.

"Hey, there" she said, as he pulled her away, her face was surprised. Will and Gabe laughed.

"Let's go" insisted Will, as she took Gabe's hand to the bar. "Shots?"

Gabe had a sly smirk. "Wow, learning to live a little?" he asked leaning against the countertop. Will shrugged as she cued the bartender for a shot.

"I guess, I mean I can't always hide in a rock. Though this dress is pissing me off!!" she growled, at the slinky dress. The bartender slid a small cup towards Will, with a look.

"What?" she shot. He chuckled.

"Nothing, you just look new at this" he said, directing to the cup. Will scoffed, though she knew he was utterly right. She had no clue how this had worked. I mean she saw, how Carmindy got drunk and even Gabe. But, never in her life has she experienced. She stared at the amber substance with a sly smile and then looked at the bartender who was wiping the glasses away.

". . .Kind of" she said sheepishly as Gabe gave a small laugh, as he leaned facing the crowd. The bartender, laughed too shaking his head.

"Dude, you've never gotten your girlfriend drunk before?" questioned the bartender, in a snicker.

"Nah, man she's apparently too good for this. . ." Gabe explained, and the bartender, smirked. Will, just burned a glare at the concoction.

"So what are you waiting for?" he asked, eyeing the shot glass and Will's face. Will who made a face.

"It's pure ecstasy. Trust me. . ."

Will, closed her eyes and took a swig with bravery. She slammed the cup against the countertop, as she felt the burning bliss of the drink tingle her esphogaus. Her, green eyes dialated in exhileration. The bartender, smirked as he grabbed the cup.

"Woah. . ." she managed to mumble, "what was that?"

"What you just had my friend is a nice glass of whiskey" he simply stated.


"I would have went for a Tequilla, but your man here gave a hint that it was not a good idea" said the guy, who looked at Gabe who scowled, at him.

Will, looked at Gabe who looked away. "What, why?" she asked, compleletly lost.

"Its brutal, man. I don't think your able to handle it" he warned. Will's mouth flew open, as she reached for her purse and pulled out a 5.

"Hit me, one more time. And make it, Tequilla baby!" she annouced, as she slapped the 5 forward challengingly. The guy sighed with a simple shrug.

"Your asking for it" he said, pulling up a fancy bottle. Gabe cringed. "One, shot. And that's that" threatned Gabe, sternly. The guy gave a nod, and poured some into the shot glass.

Will, looked at it. And then with one swig, she chugged the contents.

And this time, her throat felt on fire considering it was her first time. Tingling sensations shot up the sides of her mouth and made it feel tingly around the jaw and chin area. With one intense gulp, she let out a refreshing 'ahhh'.

"SHIT!" she gasped, as her head hung low. She was taking in deep breaths, as a crooked smile twisted on her lips.

"So how was that?" asked, the bartender. "Fricken, good!" she said, wide eyed, "now, I know why you guys love this shit."

She said, looking at the glass and examined it. "Can I. . ." she whispered, and Gabe shook his head no. She knew that was coming.

"Alright, that was enough." Gabe declared, turning Will around. Will laughed, wobbling forward. "What the. . ."

"Say wonder were Patch is?" wondered Will, looking around.

"Ehh, don't know. Probably doing what every guy here is doing" Gabe joked. Will jabbed her elbow in his gut, as he groaned.

"Ha, ha!" she replied. Gabe gasped dramatically. "NO WAY!!!!" he bellowed.

"What?" Will asked, anxiously.

"They have the new Motrais, Warfare game" he pointed at the empty console, waiting to be tried out. "Gonna go check that out!"

Will laughed. "Alright, then. . ."

*** PATCH'S POV ***

God, did that feel god thought aloud Patch, after taking a swig of beer.

"Dude! That was awesome!!" slurred, the fully drunk Luca. Patch, watched with a content smile, as he remained sober. He did not intend on getting drunk tonight. Not this time. He planned on laying low, just for reasons.

"Hell ya!" Patch agreed.

Patch pushed up his glasses and looked around. As a low wolf whistle was let out, from one of his friends. "My, what a sexy chick" commented, pointing at the girl in the white cocktail dress. Patch waved it off, as he took a heaping sip of some bubbling goodness.

Patch laughed obnoxiously, joining in not before realising who it was. His eyes soon followed, to see a laughing Will.

"Oh, fuck!" he muttered, as his hand slightly clutched over the can.

The rest of the guys were snickering and observing. "Damn!!" said, Luca rubbing his eyes, "is that Willow?"

Luca leaned forward to get a good look as he stumbled forward with the guys laughing.

"Yeah, it is. . ."

"Mmmm, she's looking good" he added.

"Whatever," Patch replied. Patch placed the can down and walked over casually to Will, but had this perk to it.

"Elaine" he said, as Will jumped.

"Shut up!"

"Ha ha, figured you would come. . ." he said. Will looked at him, probably thinking how rude and conceited that sounded.

"Kind of had to, you know" she sneered. Patch half smiled at her as she rolled her eyes.

"So how's your father" though in his mind he cared less. She nodded. "Good, its not like you care am I right?"

He laughed. "It's like you know me to well" he stated.

"Your so predictable" she snickered, in hate.

"I can sense your hate."

"Well, glad you noticed" and with the she walked away and towards the lounge. Patch followed, as he scoffed a laugh.

"So how do you like this place" he asked, ignoring her remarks. She looked around and then dead into Patch's eyes. She looked so, intense as every intension and thoughts about Will floated away, and Patch stiffened in slight anger. Her eyes, got him in his tracks as he became paralyzed. Her naive prescence made him, realize what he had done. The mistakes he had made in life. Like the one he made this very moment. . .

"Yeah, I guess" she shrugged, as he got out of trance thinking 'Fuck no, your too good for her.' In his mind he stuck to the rich ones who knew how live a little. You know always out for the bad apples.

"Mmm, well you know. . ." he started and she cocked her brows at him, "you look very nice tonight." She laughed. Patch thought why not be nice and just use it to an advantage, thinking it works all the time.

"Uhm, thanks" she slowly said.

"I mean it."

"Riiiiiigggghhhtttt" she said. 'Oh so chicks playing know-it-all huh? Let's how far this can go. . .'

"Fine, then you look really shitty. And keep the change" Patch said, and then realized what he had said. I'm a jerk, thought Patch as he pursed his lips in a hating smirk. And he liked it. In fact, enjoyed it.

"Thanks, you know I could care less about your remarks" she hissed.

"Oh really, so it doesn't bother you" he pushed just to see how far he could play with his prey.

"Okay what the fuck do you want?" she asked, gravely. He grinned, evily almost knowing it bothered. "It's like you invited me to get humiluated."

"Like I have nothing better to do."

"You seriously don't!!"

Patch, jerked back looking slightly offended. "Really?"

"Yes. really!!" by now both of them were far from the crowd and was outside, as she looked angrily. "I don't know why I came to this stupid party" she growled walking in.

"If it's so stupid why don't you take you and your skanky self out!" harshly demanded Patch. Now he was taking it to heart. For some reason he just couldn't tolerate her behaviour. In his mind he was thinking how a stupid poor kid, trying to run me. He hated and absolutely loathed people who did. Will's eyes went wide as she gaped.

"You asshole, if you want me to leave. THEN I FUCKING---" and she interupted a heart shattering burst.

A sound of a piercing bullet. . .
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^ hopefully the title of the chapter gave off clues? :/