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Words I've Never Said

To Sarah.

You're my best friend, my family, you're always there for me. You're like my sister, and so much more. Sometimes i get scared you're going to ditch me. For someone better. Not as spastic. But you've proven that you'll stay right beside me. I love you, Sarah. You're everything a friend could want. You're beautiful, you're caring, you stick by my side when I'm having my doubts. Although my mom is cautious of your religion, and she's skeptic of the few times you lied to your mom, i still believe that nothing can tear us apart.
We promised to live together once out of college. We want to travel the world. Not quite sure what you want to do, music seems like a good choice, while i write. You say when we're older, i can become a teacher. You encourage me. You tell me the truth, even when it hurts.
We've gotten in one fight, and I remember almost dying of sadness because it was my fault. Damn, you know how to hold a grudge.
So, i gave you flowers, and you gave me a teddy-bear.
You were there when i went through my bisexual stage, not fearing that i would rape you out of no-where, or randomly confess my love for you.
Sarah, I do love you, but only as a sister. I wish we really were related.
Your best friend.