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Words I've Never Said

To a Woman Formerly Known As Mom

Do you ever wonder why I cannot look at him? Why I never want to be alone with him? Has it ever crossed your mind? Backtrack three years ago around my birthday. How old was I? Thirteen. I wish I could tell you all that he tried to do to me, all that the man you love tried to do, but I can't.

He came down with the smell of beer and drugs seeping off of him. I covered up with that brown blanket that I had burnt a month later. He sat with me, lecturing me on how messed up I was woman. He then tried to touch me, but I wasn't going to let it happen again. I ran. Don't you remember?

You called the cops and everything. I wouldn't tell you what he did because I didn't know how you would react. I know now that I was right not to tell you, you would only become angry with me. For he is more important than your baby girl, your Pookie Bear. Well, your man tried to rape me. How is that for love mother?
♠ ♠ ♠
Love can cloud even the greatest of minds. It can let so many slip through the cracks and wallow in pain. I never stood up for myself and he still stays with us, but I lock my doors and put my dresser in front of it. He won't get to me ever again.