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Words I've Never Said

To Chase..

I wish that so many things could change between us; i wish eveything was right. I wish i didn't have to wait for 3 weeks until you would talk to me, and 2 months before i could see you. i want to tell you how much i love you and need you; and how much it kills me when u walk away. You have no idea. Eveytime i see you, my heart breaks a little more. I want to telll you so many things, like how stupid every girl tht thinks your weird or not good enough for themis, but on the inside im happy; cuz that means they cant't have you. Tust me, you are not weird, and even if you are it just makes you you. and babe, its not you that dosen't deserve them, its them that doesn't deserve you. End of story.

But most of all, i wish i could just have you. I wish you would say "em will yu please be my girlfriend?" but i know you won't becuz u said we couldnt be together... but why? chase why can't we be together? Why can't everything be right? Why can't you feel as strongle about me as i feel about you, or at least tell me!!! All i want is for you to hold me in your arms, and know that nothing can tear us apart. I wish you didn't live over 800 miles away!!

You make me feel so good about myself, and thats a rare thing. You tell me im beautiful and perfect, but i wish you wouldn't lie. because i know im neithr of those.

I want to tell you so many things, but im scared you'll just walk away and leave me standing there; dead. I wish i could tell you everything chase, and that you would express how you feel.

I hope that you find this, and that you kow it is me.

I love you chase.

Yours forever,

♠ ♠ ♠
i wish......