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Words I've Never Said

To Jonathan

So she said no.... Is it so wrong that I'm glad she did?
I like you, but I'm not in love with you. Stop being so clingy, please.
You said that to me once. I told you to get your head out of your ass, because I had treated you the same that day that I had treated you every single day since I met you. Stop being so clingy? What bullshit. I'm tired of crying over you. I know it seems like I'm happy she said no because I want you to myself.
You don't know how big of a lie that is. I don't want you for myself, but you technically are my brother. I didn't want you to go off with her as if we never existed. I wish you would stop being so self absorbed. Not everyone is in love with you, Jonathan, and I thought we've gone over this before.
I'm your friend, nothing more. Stop acting like I want you, just so you can push me away.
I'm completely sick of it.
