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Words I've Never Said

To Jonathan, (again)

Okay. Fuck you. Seriously. You think I'm a poser? What he fuck is that about? Just because you don't fit in with me and my weird ass friends doesn't make us posers. Whatever your problem is, i wouldn't mind if you kindly backed the fuck off.
Look at me, Sarah, Alice, Shelby, Alexis, Heather. What might we be posing as, exactly? I don't act like anyone but myself. I dress how i like, I act how I like, and you think I'm a poser.
If anyone's a poser, it's your retarded as.

Whenever I'm around you guys, I feel like i have to alter myself just to be accepted.
I have never heard such bullshit in my life. Why don't you stop acting all poor me poor me and get the hell over yourself.
Not everyone is in love with you, not everyone likes you, and just because you think you're all cool, doesn't mean that you're right. I went home and cried that day because I trusted you. I trusted you to be a good friend. I thought you were my brother, Jonathan.
Guess you fucked that up, didnt yah?