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Words I've Never Said

Dear Billy.

Dear Billy,

Do you want to know why I broke up with you?

Well, here goes.

Remember that time we were in Orlando?

We were both 15.

You and I were standing in front of a beat-up old hotel.

You had hugged me. And I knew for a fact something bad was going to happen.

"I love you, Jasmine." You said looking into my eyes.

I problably looked stupid, just standing there with my eyes wide open.

I ended up running away from you. I couldn't stand that little word.


I was scared.

After that day you no longer made my stomach flip with anticipation.

After that day, you never made me dizzy with your kisses.

And I just never had the chance to tell you:

I'm philophobic.

♠ ♠ ♠
"Holding onto patience wearing thin. I can't force these eyes to see the end. If only time flew like a dove. Well, we could watch it fly and just keep looking up."
- Paramore, Hallejuah