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Words I've Never Said

To my boyfriend

Dear my boyfriend.
The truth is I don't love you.
No where near.
It was a stupid crush ages ago when I first met you but I've actually always been in love with Sam.
You know the boy that smiles at me,
Who treats me great,
Tells me I look Pretty,
Especally when you don't,
He makes me laugh,
Smile and he always seems to be the one wiping away my tears,
He knows about about everything you do,
How you ask girls for 'quickies'
You asked that girl to 'get on you' when i was fucking there!
Just because I want to keep my V-card till after marrige,
But you love me,
I've always been told I'm to nice,
Maybe that's why I haven't dumped you yet,
Because I don't want to break your heart.
But I can't do this anymore,
I may not love you,
But it hurts when your 'Unfaithful',
I have never done anything with anyone else,
But you have and I think that we should break up now,
I want to tell this to your face,
But how can I?
I Love Sam,
Not you.
And I'm so sorry,
Because this time,
It really was me,
I still hope after everything we can be friends,
Because I liked it better as that,
I hope everything will get better.
From Maria