Status: Have A Good Portion Written Already

Valiant Crimes

Chapter 9

Unfortunately, Ross couldn’t have been more right, soon the sound of muffled gunfire was heard coming from the tavern. All the Basterds were on their feet and heading towards the exit of the abandoned building to get across the street. Ross stood beside Utivich as Aldo spoke with the surviving German soldier. Apparently of all people left alive it was Von Hammersmark, everyone else was dead. Hearing that sort of news caused a wave of sadness to wash over Ross. She didn’t like losing her comrades, that’s why she was so protective, because having to lose them was so damn hard for her; it made her feel as though she had failed somehow.

Aldo went down and started shouting about a Mexican standoff. Then there was a couple gunshots causing Ross’s heart to leap up into her throat, her eyes welling with tears thinking for sure Aldo was just killed. Utivich noticed Ross’s reaction, her eyes shutting like a child not wanting to see the bad happening, all color leaving her face. But when Aldo ordered the men to help pick up Von Hammersmark Utivich saw Ross put her hand to her heart letting out a sigh of relief as if she had been playing a game of Russian Roulette and had pulled the trigger to receive nothing. It wasn’t a reaction someone would give unless they cared about that other person.

They picked up Von Hammersmark and got out of there heading to the next town over. The famed German actress had been shot in the leg and was letting out a considerable amount of German curses. Her complaints made Ross grow annoyed in her already angry state.

“Will you shut up? If the pain’s that bad I’ll put you out of your misery with a bullet to your pretty little head,” Ross snaps looking at the woman who was heaving dramatically as if someone was strangling the life out of her. Hearing Ross’s voice Von Hammersmark realized she was not the only woman among these men. Not only had she realized there was another woman but someone she recognized.
“The mute Spanish violinist?” Von Hammersmark says in disbelief taking in Ross’s features.
“The idiot German actress?” Ross mocks with an intimidating perusal aimed at Von Hammersmark; her golden eyes narrowing as if eying her next prey. The woman shrunk away from the look Ross had given her; it looked as though Ross would snap her neck any given moment most likely with a smile gracing her face.

Bridget Von Hammersmark stopped complaining all together, gritting her teeth as she was being tended to by a veterinarian. Donny was thoroughly tickled with how Ross threatened the actress and even more amused when Von Hammersmark looked so fearful of Ross. Ross needed a drink or something so she exited the room to let Donny, Omar, and Utivich to watch over Bridget before Ross was tempted to put the actress through some real pain.

It seemed Ross’s leave couldn’t have come in the worst of times, and the way things were headed Ross really didn’t want to leave. She took deep breaths leaning against the wall just outside of the room Aldo just entered. The clanking of things being thrown down was heard and Ross knew Aldo was furious; he was like her and hated to lose his men. Aldo spoke or more so accused Bridget until getting the story out of her. After a while the plan was to get Aldo, Donny, and Omar into the premiere as Italian escorts to Bridget Von Hammersmark; their fates entailing to end with blowing up the cinema. It was nearing Ross’s time to leave the Basterds. She was a bit of a wreck but she didn’t show it on her face. Ross knew what was going to happen to Aldo and the other two men but she didn’t want to imagine them dying.

To help soothe her thoughts she kept saying it was to end the war as she walked to the room Aldo had just went into to gather his thoughts. Ross shut the door behind her causing Aldo to look up from his hands where he sat on a bench. Having to say goodbye was going to be hard for both of them especially knowing they were not going to be able to see one another ever again.

“So I guess this is it huh?” Ross says with a sad smile.
“Guess so, ya leavin’ now?” Aldo responds looking at Ross.
“Soon,” she replies slowly making her way over to him.
“How are you going to get there?” he asks concerned with her having to go off on her own.
“I’ve got my ways,” Ross answers looking out the dirty window for any traces of escape from the area and decided her transportation.
“I’m not good with goodbyes,” Aldo states.
“Generally I don’t get time to give them,” she replies looking at Aldo. They stared at each other, the silence thick like black tar. Both seemed to be thinking how they were going to deal with leaving each other.
“Fuck it,” Ross says no longer able to control herself and walked right over to Aldo then pulled him into a passionate kiss. Aldo was surprised yet did not hesitate to kiss back just as hungrily his hands pulling Ross’s body closer to his, practically having her on his lap. Ross ran her fingers through Aldo’s hair pressing her lips onto his letting all tension melt away. They pulled away looking at one another trying to figure out what this meant. In her thoughts Ross hoped he’d survive that he’d make it through this endeavor but she knew it was a very slim chance that he would yet she could help hoping for the best. This was to be their goodbye and Aldo held onto Ross not wanting to let her go. They rested their foreheads on one another’s and Aldo stared at Ross whose eyes were closed trying to keep him from seeing the sadness in her eyes.

“Well I’m betting on you Aldo Raine,” Ross whispers kissing Aldo tenderly on the lips one last time before getting up to leave. Aldo watched as Ross left the room wanting nothing more for her to stay there with him. Ross had to leave now or she wouldn’t have been able to keep herself composed any longer and she said the rest of her goodbyes. Just outside the building was a black motorcycle, Ross decided this was her escape transport. She smiled softly remembering how her father taught her how to ride a motorcycle as well as fix one. Hopping on the motorcycle she felt lucky seeing the keys barely hidden on the front of the seat.

The Basterds heard an engine starting letting out a rumble of noise and all of them including Aldo looked out the window to see Ross ride off into the night on a motorcycle, the gentle moonlight lighting up her feminine face as her hair flowed behind her. Aldo couldn’t help but give a small smile seeing her ride off.
“She can do just about anything,” Omar says.
“Just about,” Aldo responds walking away from the window. Things were going as planned and Bridget’s leg was put in a cast whilst Aldo, Donny and Omar got their tuxes. At the premiere things proved eventful and strange. Aldo and Utivich were caught and taken to some unknown place with Colonel Hans Landa otherwise known as the Jew Hunter. The events about to transpire within the next couple of hours were beyond anyone’s comprehension unlike anything they’d ever have guessed would happen. History was about to be made.
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Got a little Aldo action in this one, this shall continue passed the events of the cinema. Hope you all enjoyed part 9. Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts :)