The Ponyess Farm

My Very Own Pony:

Once I had eaten, I had to get to my ponies, I just knew it, they had arrived. Now I just had to see them, see they were all there. I had to know how many ponies had arrived. Guess I had forgotten to count them the other day. As looked out, the first section was empty. Were had all my ponies gone, I could not recall the other day. Had I been all that tired? Just couldn't believe it.

In the end, as I got to the door, it's easy to slide it to the side. There is nothing to really lock the door in place. All it take is a light tug in the door, pulling it to the right. The door slide to the side, allowing me to exit the room, my box. From there, I walk along the path, pondering where they could possibly be. Instinct leads me, and I turn to the left, soon finding my ponies on the next parallel path on my left. For a short moment I pondered what they'd be like. All the time it take me to cross the side path.

What colour would they be, how many were they? As I turn the corner, my dear ponies come into view. They're all like me, exactly like me. Only they're not black, but a florescent white, still glistering fiercely. Mane and tail a nice black, just like my own. Their hooves are a nice silvery grey, while they have red stockings.

At this point, I could see they were all eating as I came by. Figured they'd be free to eat, before I got back to them. They're all doing fine, that's all I needed to know.