Secret Love, My Escape, Take Me Far, Far Away


I walk straight through the common room to the left stairway leading to the girl’s dormitories. I go up the stairs and go to the last door on the left. I open it and to my surprise no one else is in there. Of course, my last year and I would get no roommates. Lucky me. I sigh heavily and start unpacking my things and explore the room. There is a single canopy bed in the center and along one side of the room is a rather large closet. I walk over to the other side of the room towards another door. I open it and find that it is a bathroom. Well I guess I kind of did luck out… my own room, bathroom, and closet. I guess it won’t be too bad. I finish unpacking my things then head out of the common room to go explore the castle.

I head straight for Professor Flitwick’s office and knock. “Come in, come in.” I walk in and close the door behind me “Ah, Miss McArthur. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “Hello Professor. I was just wondering why I happened to get prefect room to myself.” “Ah I had a feeling you would come to ask. Well we had more students than expected this year sorted into Ravenclaw and did not have time to make room for everyone. And since we only have one prefect girl from our House we figured we’d put the highest 7th year girl in a room by herself. You don’t mind do you?” “No sir, not at all.” “Well good.” He smiles charmingly. “Thank you Professor Flitwick.” I leave his office and walk around some more before deciding to head back to my room.

“Ugh, I forgot how treacherous 7:30 A.M. could be.” Jaci says as we depart from the great hall for Charms. We sit together towards the middle of the classroom and listen to Flitwick as he goes over the normal start of term notices. By the time he finishes class is over and I look over at Jaci who is fast asleep a small pool of drool gathered on her desk. “Jaci!” I hiss. “Huh? What?” she says as her head snaps up.

“You fell asleep.” I say motioning to the drool on the desk. “Shit. Uhm lets go… we’re gonna be late for potions.” We run to the dungeons and make it to potions right on time. “Miss McArthur, Miss Grayson, I suggest you make it to my class earlier next time. Understood?” Snape says not even looking towards us. “Yes sir.” We say simultaneously as we sit down. Sitting through his class was as torturous as ever but due to Snape’s liking of students in his own house, Jaci and I aren’t punished for being almost late to class.

We leave and Jaci heads off to DADA and I have a break until after lunch. I go to my room change into a pair of jeans and a purple hoodie and grab my Firebolt and walk out to the Quidditch pitch to attempt flying again. I cautiously mount my broom and allow it to rise a mere three feet off the ground. I manage to stay afloat for a few minutes before I start having a complete panic attack. I fall off of my broom and curl up into a ball.

I begin to sob uncontrollably and I feel a hand begin rubbing my back. This only makes me cry harder and I throw myself into the person’s arms. “Are you ok Miss McArthur?” I hear a familiar Scottish voice ask. “Oli-Professor Wood?” “It’s Oliver…Yes Miss McArth-” “Its Selene.” He chuckles “Ok, Selene. Are you ok?” I wipe away my tears. “I-I don’t know…I tried to fly and well I panicked and fell…it was only three feet but still.” “What happened to you Selene?” “I just told you…” “No I mean before.” “Ohh…well about that….” “If you don’t want to talk about that’s ok….I’ve just found it helps to talk….”

“I uhm well….it was in our last match of the season last year vs. Hufflepuff…It was nearing the end of the match and my broom started flailing out of control….it was throwing me all over the place in front of the goal posts…and I almost had it controlled when a bludger was hit my way and it slammed into my head knocking me unconscious and apparently into one of the goal posts…I then fell from the height of the top goal post down to the ground…not in the sand either…I was taken immediately to the infirmary where they had found the bludger had fractured my skull in two places and had chipped a piece of the bone off and if they would’ve waited any longer the bone fragment would’ve gone into my brain and I’d be dead… so needless to say…I haven’t been to get back on a broom.” I laugh slightly then begin to sob again.
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