Secret Love, My Escape, Take Me Far, Far Away


The next day is our trip to Hogsmeade. We go straight to the costume shop and look around. Immediately Jaci finds what she is looking for. “Selene! I found it!!” She runs up to me a sexy lion costume in hand.

“Oh Selene its perfect!!” “Looks good Jaci. Now let’s find me one.” “You have any idea what you want to go as?” I shake my head “I was hoping something would just catch my attention.” “Ok well we’ll look for a little bit.” After about an hour of searching the endless racks of costumes I finally find one.

“Jaci! I think I have one.” “It’s about time.” She walks over and she looks it up and down. “That’s it? You don’t want anything flashy or well elaborate?” “Nope this is perfect.” “Well what is it?” “Well I’m going to be Artemis.”

“As in the Greek goddess of the hunt?” “Yep. That’d be her.” “Well we need to get you a bow and arrows then.” “Good idea…needs to be silver though.” “You would know that Selene.” I smile widely “Of course I would.”

We finally find a bow and arrows to go with the costume and we pay. We walk around Hogsmeade for awhile visiting a few shops and picking up a few things then we head back to the castle.

When I reach the castle door I say goodbye to Jaci and make my way up to my dormitory. I drop my costume off and try to find Duke. I ran into a lot of his really good friends and strangely enough they all gave me very different answers. Finally I ran into him. “Duke! Finally!” I throw my arms around him. “Goodness gracious you are one hard person to track down…even with all the talking paintings.” “Uhh…Yeah I was…busy Selene.”

I let go of him and just stand there. “So…how are things?” “Eh…good I guess.” he replies short and curt. “Oh…well do you have time to go on a walk?” “Not really no.” “Oh. Well are we still going to the Halloween dance together?” “Yea yea sure. I really have to go Selene.” “Ok bye hon.” I go to hug him but he dashes off before I can.

I sit down on one of the benches in a small grotto in the wall and just randomly start talking to myself. “Talking to yourself is never a good thing you know.” I hear a male voice say. I look up with tears brimming in my eyes and see Cedric Diggory standing there. I quickly compose myself. “H-hi Cedric.”

“Mind if I join you Selene?” “No not at all.” “Thank you. Are you ok? If you don’t mind me asking.” “I’m fine. Just confused.” “Duke?” “Yea, he’s just well been very distant lately.” “I know what you mean. He’s kind of spacey now a day. Especially during Quidditch practice.” “I don’t know what to do about it.” “Well ride it out for a bit longer. Maybe its just all the N.E.W.T stress. We all know how that can be.” “Yea maybe that’s it. Thank you Cedric.” I give him a quick hug. “Anytime Selene. You know where I am if you ever need to talk.” “Thanks Ced.”

I sit there for a few minutes and I decide that if my boyfriend won’t talk to me that I’ll go to my best male friend…Oliver. It’s almost time for my flying session anyway. I double check that I have my broom, which I do, and head down to where I know I can find Oliver.
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