Status: Finished

The Bright Green


I sat down in the soft green grass, looking around me I saw graves and plants. Even the graves showed more life than me. Happy faces grinning or flowers where placed at the bottom of the graves. This is where I do it. I reached down and tugged at the lively grass, letting the pieces I pulled fall to the ground. The was sun setting--I better hurry up. My shaking hand reached into my bag, my slender fingers grasping the cold metal inside. It was a hot summer day yet the weapon was so very, very cold. Like ice.

I slowly pulled the gun out and looked at the world before. Butterflies in flight, birds singing in a tree, and green, lively plants. My eyes just starred at the tree above me, it was old but looked so-so alive. Alive. I needed to be alive like all these plants, animals and insects before me. My hand quickly tucked the gun back in my bag, without even thinking about what I was doing, I got up and began to walk back home.

Where I could be alive. Alive and be happy like the animals, plants and insects. Find purpose. Show that I could be happy and alive again, to show that I actually could. To show the world that I am a strong woman who can't be knocked down so quickly, that I can get back on my own two feet.


"Mom, I'm back from my 'walk'," I said, walking into the living room.

"Thank god you're home! I've been so worried!" my mother exclaimed and rushed to hug me. She held a tight and warm embrace.

"Yeah...I know." I hugged her getting my emotions flow. "I was scared too."

"Of whom?" she asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Of myself, Mother." Tears began to form at my eyes and began to slide down my face--like a water fall.

She didn't say anything, she just hugged me, reassuring me that I was going to be fine that everything was going to be fine. We cried almost all night that night...But I learned something; even those who don't feel alive are.