My Dead Evelyn.

The Accident.

Walking. We were walking hand and hand together. Her tiny hand was freezing and I could feel it even through my mittens. Her dark brown eyes seemed to shine slighty. Her cheeks were red from the cold. I brought up a subject she didn’t want to talk about and she let go of my hand. She was starting to yell and she began to storm away. Her black silky hair swung behind her and smacked against her wool jacket. I called after her and tried to grab onto her hand. She slapped me off and went to cross the street. I heard the car coming before I had saw it. My green blue eyes widened and I rushed towards her. She turned to yell more at me and suddenly everything in my body hurt.

I saw the sky. It was for a split second but the sky was beautiful.

I gasped opening my eyes. I couldn’t breath. Something was down my throat. I tried to reach for it but I couldn’t.

“She’s bleeding out, hurry up.” I heard someone yell. I looked around frantically. Everything was blurry. My body was burning and cold at the same time. I tried to speak and find out what happened. I had just been walking.

“She’s up. Knock her out please.” I turned my head still trying to get air to my lungs. I felt a small prick and I felt a calm wash over me and I slipped into a darkness.
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First chapter. Second one coming.