My Dead Evelyn.

Big News.

The beeps coming from the machines were annoying me. I had been alone in my room for what probably was minutes. But it had seemed like hours. I couldn’t speak and I refused to even glance over to look at my face. I didn’t understand. Why was I in here? How did I even get here?

The door creaked open and I saw my mother walk in. Her normally perfectly straightened hair looked like a matted blonde mess. Her normal bright green eyes were red and puffy. She was dabbing at them with her favorite handkerchief. My father a tall ox of a man came in behind her. He looked business as always. His brown hair slicked back and dark almond eyes focused. Once the door was closed his façade faded.

He had a scowl on his face and I only saw that look after his mother had died last year. He was going to cry too.

“How are you feeling Harmony?” My mother whispered as she held my hand tight. I shrugged my shoulders painfully and grabbed a notepad that was next to me.

What happened?” I wrote down showing them. I could still see blue hair dye on my fingers. My mom had just yelled at me about it yesterday. Evelyn had helped me. She said I needed a little color. My mother bottom lip quivered. She hid her face with her handkerchief and the father rubbed her back.

“You were hit by a car, Evelyn was too.” He said. My heart skipped a beat. My head started hurting and I felt my finger twitch.

When? Did it skip the curb or something?” I wrote back trying to figure this all out. I stared at them as they gave me blank faces.

“No, you both were crossing the street. The car stopped after they hit you. Evelyn…” My mother started to say before she broke down into more tears. I looked at them confused. My mother cried only when she was really depressed. I stared at my dad and he looked away.

“She’s dead. Died on impact.” He said. My throat closed and I couldn’t breath. I grasped at my throat and I could feel my eyes watering. My stomach bubbled and I hardly had time to lean over and puke.

She couldn’t be dead. Evelyn couldn’t be dead.
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