My Dead Evelyn.

Passing Out.

I let out a hiss of pain and looked up. The person was still standing. She was looking down at me. her eyes reminded me of a Bengal tiger looking down at it's prey. She looked intense before a smile crept across her lips. I saw her pearly straight teeth peek out from between her small plump lips. She was wearing bright red lipstick making her face seem paler. Her hair just brushed the top of her breast. her hair was blacker then a ravens feather and curlier then Arby's curly fries. She had a soft round face. I could see dimples forming as she smiled more.

Her eyes though, they were so strange. It was a mix between amber and aquamarine. A gold near the pupil and the shimmery blue extending out. When she brushed her straight bangs away from her face I noticed she had a eyebrow ring in her left eyebrow. It was a simple ring.

"You okay sweetheart?" She asked bending closer as she held out her hand. The dress she was wearing had allowed anyone to see into her cleavage. A blush went over my face and I turned my head nodding. She scooped one arm around mine pulling me up. I could hear the little clicks of the heeled flats she was wearing when she did. I bent to grab my bag from the ground when she did it for me.

"I haven't seen you here before. I guess you're new?" She said wrapping her arm around mine again. I opened my mouth hoping words would just magically come from my mouth.

"You probably got really hurt or something. I can tell by the boot you're wearing. It sucks to come somewhere new. i came here just three weeks ago. People here are so close knit so it was hard fitting in but I have my ways." She said winking at me as she smiled and continued walking with me dragged behind her.

"Do you talk? You look like a talker. I'm a talker. As you can tell. It's a wonder that I can keep this lipstick on long enough. I'm just blah, blah, blah. It's ridiculous, I should have my mouth glued shut." She said then laughed. I was about to try to speak again when she randomly turned down the hall.

"I know this school like the back of my hand. Where you heading to?" She asked actually stopping to let me speak. I opened and closed my mouth a few times seeing if it was really safe to speak.

"Art." I said in a rough voice. She smiled and started pulling me a different way.

"Same. I can't believe it. You would have been so perfect in our last art project. We had a draw people as mythical creatures. You would have been the perfect mermaid. The blue in your hair would have made you look like you had algae or seaweed." She said smiling the whole time. She was bubbly and excitable.

"Some girl actually did a picture of this girl awhile ago. It's right there." She said pointing over to the right where I was standing. When I looked over I saw something that made my heart stop. I grabbed at my chest and felt my legs give out under me.

"Oh my god are you okay?" She said trying to help me up. I was looking over at what she pointed at. It was happening all over again.

"Harmony?" I heard my brother say. I looked around at him and was still holding my hand to my chest and clutching at my throat. I turned back to the stuff piled along the wall.

Everywhere, everywhere I could see her face. It was haunting me. It was beautiful and errie. Like nothing had never happened to her. Like she was still here.

My Evelyn.

Smiling, Laughing, Hugging and Kissing.

I could just barely hear what my brother was saying to the girl. All I could see were stars around me and feel myself feeling dizzy. I felt someone pull me up and start to carry me. That was good because I blacked out a second after.
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Gahh tired. Will write more later. Tell me what you like about it so far. =]