Capture by the Moment


I never thought that this day would come. This is the going to be the best day ever and I can't wait. My photography studio has been booked solid for the past five months straight. I've had high school seniors come in for their senior portraits and I had a bunch of senior citizens and other couples come in as well. This month was booked solid for tons of photo shoots for modeling agencies and photo shoots for actors and actresses promoting movies. There were also photo shoots for famous rock bands. That was my favorite part about being booked solid. It was busy, hectic, and very stressful, but I was glad that my photography studio was so successful.

Today, though was the day that the band Avenged Sevenfold, one of my favorites, was coming in for photos and music videos. I was happy. I had the best videographer team working with me on this project. It was also kind of funny since I knew them. I didn't know them personally, but we were good friends so to speak. I mean we had gone to the same high school before I moved to Chicago to start my life as a professional photographer and we seemed to have lost contact. My favorite one was the super tall blue eyed man. He was so funny and brought out my upbeat and wild side when I did hang out with him and his friends when we were in high school.

It was actually quite refreshing and different from always being shy and quiet. I loved being quiet though because it gave me a chance to observe my surroundings more. I got ready for the big day today. It was going to be huge. Avenged Sevenfold was scheduled to come in all this week for photo shoots and for filming their music videos. It was going to be one busy week, but I was ready for it. I jumped into the shower and took a quick twenty minute shower.

When I was done drying off I began to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of khaki pants, some socks, and then I took my hair out of the towel that it was wrapped in. I left it alone as I finished off my outfit with a silk brown blouse. The weather was pretty hot considering it was almost the middle of the summer. I brushed out my hair and then blow dried it. I pulled it up into an elegant kind of twist up-do. Some people would say that it was too fancy for a simple day at work, but I didn't care. I liked the style and kept it. I topped my outfit off with some light makeup and some heart earrings and a heart necklace.

I took one last look in the mirror and then grabbed my bag and then my camera equipment that I always took home with me. I had a slew of other photographers working under me, but I didn't trust any of them with my own equipment. I got to the studio a little earlier than I thought I would and went to my office in the back. I had an assistant by the name of Harmony and she was great. Her attitude was always upbeat and friendly. The day that I hired her was the day that my life had turned around. She was well organized and it was a huge help. She kept me organized, which was good because it kept the studio running smoothly.

"Hey Madyson, how are you doing this morning," Harmony's cheerful voice asked from the doorway.

"I'm doing very well actually. Today is going to be super busy so I'm going to need you to help me direct the other photographers," I said.

"That's fine. I can do anything you ask me to," she smiled warmly.

"Thank you. Did anyone tell you that you are Godsend," I asked jokingly.

"Uh, no, not exactly, but thanks," she giggled lightly.

Harmony left my office and I got down to business. I need to make sure I had all the supplies that I would need for the photo shoots and the music videos. I may not use the video cameras, but I was the director for any kind of movie that my studio did because I felt that, that was the only way things would get done right the first time. I pulled out my camera and made sure I had blank memory cards so that I wouldn't mix anything up. I took the memory cards and wrote on them the acronym for Avenged Sevenfold. It was easier then writing the full name.

I could hear distinct sounds in the rest of the studio of things being set up for the big long week. The band was coming with their instruments and the techs for the instruments. We were just to provide the backgrounds and such for the videos. There was going to be four videos and I already knew that it was going to be loud. One room was dedicated to changing of clothes and for hair and makeup. I had made sure that everything would run smoothly for this week. Last week this was all I worked on. All my other photographers that worked with me did the appointments and such while I put all my energy into this one week.

I was getting things together when there was a loud crash coming from one of the many rooms that I had. I sighed heavily and stopped what I was doing to go and see what happened. When I got to the room where the crash came from I found Harmony yelling at one of the hired help.

"Harmony, what happened," I asked calmly.

"This guy right here dropped one of the props for one of the videos," she said sounding a little aggravated.

"Miss Lewis, I'm so sorry. I was lifting it myself because I didn't think it would be that heavy," he told me.

"Sir, it's alright. It doesn't look like anything is broken, but next time please be careful. This week is really important to me," I told him calmly.

"Alright Miss Lewis, I promise, " he answered.

"Harmony, walk with me please," I said.

She nodded and followed me back to my office.

"Harmony, I appreciate all the help you are giving me to keep this running as smoothly as possible, but you can't go blowing a casket every time something small goes wrong. Everything should go according to plan," I said.

"I'm sorry Madyson. I didn't mean to lose my cool over that. I'm just really stressed out and I'm sure you are too, but truthfully I feel lucky because Avenged Sevenfold is one of my all time favorite bands, and I know how much you like them as well, but my nerves are going to get to me when they show up," she admitted.

"Everything will be just fine Harmony. Just keep an eye out for anything else and please come and get me when they arrive," I said.

"Of course Madyson," she said with a small smile.

I walked back into my office to finish getting ready for the huge week. Today was just as important as the rest of the week. I don't know how long I was moving things around my office, but I was interrupted by a knock on my office door.

"Knock knock," a male voice said cheerfully.

I looked up and came face to face with one of the band members.

"Can I help you," I asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for a Madyson Lewis," he said.

"That's me," I answered swallowing a little too hard.

"Oh, good, um, well we are ready to get started if you don't mind," he said.

"Of course, but have you gone through the hair and makeup room," I asked.

"I haven't, but my friends and band mates are in there now," he replied.

"Alright, well if you would follow me then we can get started after you go through hair and makeup," I said grabbing my camera and the stack of memory cards with A7X written on them.

I led the way towards the room designated for hair and makeup. When we entered the room my heart almost stopped. I still couldn't believe that they asked for my studio.

"So, before we get started, I would just like to ask why you decided to come all the way to the Chicago area for a photo shoot and music videos," I asked.

"Well, truthfully we've been on the road for tour and we are doing a show in Chicago in a few days and we wanted to do a few photo shoots for the fans and such. We were looking for the best place to do it and someone recommended you," M. Shadows answered with a grin that showed his dimples.

"Okay, well that makes sense. So, what would you like to do first? We have a week I presume to get this all done so it's up to you," I said.

"To start I think we would like to get a couple of music videos done for four songs from our third album City of Evil," Synyster Gates said.

"Alright, anything in particular for the first two songs," I wondered.

"Seize the Day and Burn it Down for the first two," Zacky Vengeance said.

"Do you have an idea on how you want these videos to go," I wondered.

"We have an idea, but we want to make sure the director of the videos will be alright with it," M. Shadows said.

"Lay it on me," I smiled.

"Are you the director," The Rev asked.

"Yep, I've directed any kind of video done here in the studio and people seem to like my direction so I keep doing it. I'm also the head photographer and owner of this studio," I answered.

"Have we met before," The Rev asked.

"Not that I can remember, but it's possible," I said.

"You just seem so familiar and I can't seem to place where I've seen you before," he said.

"Well, we have all week to figure that out," I smiled at him.

"That's right we do, so let's get started," he jumped up and made a Superman pose with his hands on his hips.

I couldn't help, but giggle at his antics. He was hilarious. At that I actually remembered where I had seen them all before.

I had been given an assignment by the school newspaper of Huntington High and it was to take random pictures of the many students just being themselves during lunch. It was a fun assignment and I knew that I was going to have fun. I had a week to get in some good pictures and when it came to photography I always took my work seriously. I took my time going from classroom to classroom taking pictures with the teachers' approval of course. I was having so much fun, but when lunch rolled around I knew that, that was going to be where I found the best students being themselves.

I was walking around campus and also taking random pictures of the scenery for my own leisure when my camera lens focused on a group of guys. They were all laughing and having a great time. Actually, they had been laughing at a rather tall guy. He was being so outlandish and hilarious that none of the others could keep themselves from laughing. Although, there had been one guy who was getting frustrated because he was trying to play his guitar, but couldn't because he was laughing so hard.

I started snapping pictures one after another because this small group of five guys seemed so natural and simple. I continued to take photos until I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I let my camera fall and then I ran towards the bathroom. Once there I had emptied my stomach and then wiped my mouth. I didn't know where this sudden illness came from, but I knew that I couldn't continue today. I went to my locker and took out my messenger back and then gently placed my camera into it before closing my locker and making my way towards the nurse's office.

As I was making my way towards the nurse's office I started feeling a bit dizzy as well. I didn't know what brought this on, but I knew that I was going to have to go home. I actually made it the nurse's office and asked if I could go home for the rest of the day. My vision swam a little as I was explaining my symptoms. The nurse called my mother and told her the situation and she reluctantly allowed me to go home. I grabbed my stuff and then I made my way towards the student parking lot. I didn't make it to my car though. Instead I had walked into a tall chest. I stumbled back a little and almost fell, but he grabbed onto my arm to help me from falling on my ass.

"You alright," he asked looking at me.

"No, I'm going home. I'm not feeling too well," I admitted.

"Are you sure you're okay to drive, I mean you don't look too good," he said.

"I'm a bit dizzy, but I think I can manage," I said.

"Nope, I'm not going to let you drive in that condition. Hand over your keys now," he said a little sternly.

I handed him my keys and then he helped me to my car. He drove me home and then told me that he hoped I got better.

"Miss Lewis, Miss Lewis, Madyson," someone's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Huh," I asked blinking my eyes rapidly.

"You alright," The Rev asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Uh, yeah, I was just remembering something," I answered.

"Alright, well let's get started on the music videos," M. Shadows said.

I nodded my head and then directed them to the first studio. The first two music videos
were done perfectly the first time and I was happy. Avenged seemed to be happy with the outcome of the videos as well. The next couple of days were dedicated to photo shoots. They had their concert before the last two videos were supposed to be filmed. They gave Harmony and me backstage passes for doing such a wonderful job with their videos and photos. It was interesting to see them play from the side of the stage. A few times The Rev kept glancing at me from behind his drums and every time that he did I could feel my cheeks warm over with a light blush. When the last two videos were done they thanked me again for my services and then went on their way after giving me a rather large tip. Harmony's check next week would also be a rather good one.

Over the next couple of weeks things seemed to have calmed down a lot. That is until I got a letter in the mail from Avenged Sevenfold.

Dear Madyson Lewis,

We were so pleased with the videos and photos that you took the week we were in Chicago. Since your video crew did such a good job we were wondering if you be willing to fly out to Long Beach, California, which is our last stop on our tour, to film it. We are in the process of making a live show and wanted it filmed by the best. Your plane tickets and hotel accommodations will be paid for if you accept. You can bring any extra help if you need to and all of their tickets and accommodations will also be paid for. We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,

Avenged Sevenfold

P.S. Here is a cell number since we are always traveling. 1-714-856-9734.

I felt really honored to be asked to film their concert in Long Beach, California. It had been quite a few years since I was last in the California area. I immediately called the number and M. Shadows picked up after the second ring. I let him know that I was on board to fly out and film the concert in Long Beach. Apparently I had been put on speaker phone because I could hear everyone screaming in the background in delight. This was going to be fun. When I hung up the phone I went into the studio and talked to the film crew that I was going to bring with me. They were stoked about attending this business trip. The last person I had to ask to come with me was Harmony. When I found her and asked her she literally flipped out with excitement.

She was so funny. I also talked to my second best photographer and he agreed to look after the studio while we were all gone. I knew that I could trust him because he was with me from the beginning. He was the only other person who had an assistant at this studio, so I knew that my business was going to be in good hands. After I had called to accept the business offer from Avenged Sevenfold I received a large package of plane tickets for my crew, Harmony and me. I was happy. We were to leave in a couple of days so I let everyone leave early that day so the film crew, Harmony, and I could get home and start packing. Before Harmony left though, I made sure to let her know to not go overboard with her packing. She blushed a little at that, but promised that she would make sure to contain her packing.

When I got home I started packing right away. I knew it was going to be pretty hot in California, so I packed a few swim suits for the beach and the hotel swimming pool. M. Shadows had told me that we would be arriving in Long Beach a few days ahead of them, but they let the venue know so that I could have access to it and figure out the best way to place the cameras and such. I packed everything that I would need. I even packed my favorite camera so that I could take pictures of the scenery around me. It was going to be fun. I wanted to travel in comfortable clothing so I laid out my outfit that I would wear the day after tomorrow for the plane. All of our tickets were non-stop flights, which was good. We were to be staying in the Renaissance Long Beach hotel. It was close to the venue and when I looked it up on the internet it had some of the most beautiful scenery that I could ever wish for.

The next day was devoted to more packing, since I only got halfway done the day before. I made sure to pack my laptop because I wanted to be able to clear out my memory sticks if need be. I got a phone call from Harmony asking if it would be alright to pack a couple of swim suits and I said that I was so if she wanted to then I was fine with that. I also reminded her that I would be picking her up at four thirty in the morning since we needed to be at the airport by six to make our seven o'clock flight to Long Beach, CA. She said that was fine and that she would be ready. The film crew was also going to be picked up as well. I had room to transport Harmony, three people from the film crew and myself to the airport. The others said that they would meet us at the airport on time. I loved my employees because they were always dedicated to their work so I wasn't worried about them being late.

I decided to go to bed early because I knew that I had an early morning. I woke up at two thirty so that I could have enough time to get a shower and eat a small something. I was seriously tired and I knew that I was going to be sleeping on the plane. I blow dried my hair, which is something I hardly do because I know that it's a cause of damage to hair, but I didn't want to deal with wet hair in the early morning chill. I threw on my sweats, an Avenged T-shirt that I had been given along with an Avenged zip-up hoodie. I through my hair up into a messy bun and then placed some Abby Dawn lightning bolt earrings in my ears. When I was done with that I grabbed my suitcase and then my Led Zeppelin back pack that was going to be my carryon bag for the flight. I loaded up my small SUV and then headed off to pick up Harmony. I called her cell phone to make sure that she was awake.

After I picked up Harmony we went and picked up three members of the film crew and then headed towards the airport. Flying was one thing that I despised because all airports had huge crowds of people and I hated dealing with crowds. We got to the airport with an hour and fifteen minutes to spare before our flight left. I was hoping that we could board the plane early because I just wanted to sit down and close my eyes for some sleep.

We went through security without any glitches thankfully. I kept my camera with me because I didn't trust the airport staff to be careful with my luggage. After we passed through security we found our gate and then waited for about ten minutes before they called first class passengers. I looked at my ticket and realized that Avenged Sevenfold had purchased first class tickets for everyone. I was amazed. I went up to go and get on the plane and my film crew and Harmony followed me once they realized that they were also first class passengers. We found our seats and they were comfortable. I buckled my seat belt and then waited for the plane to take off.

I found myself being shaken awake by Harmony.

"Madyson, we've landed," she said.

"Did you get some sleep," I asked with a yawn.

"Yes, but I just woke up about two minutes ago," she said.

I nodded my head and unbuckled my seatbelt so that I could get off the plane. I grabbed my backpack and then followed Harmony out of the plane and into the airport. I was still tired and I didn't have to start setting up the cameras for the venue until tomorrow.

"Hey, Harmony we are going to the hotel and getting more sleep, sound good to you," I asked.

"Sounds good to me, actually, but when are we going to the venue," she asked.

"Tomorrow at about ten in the morning," I replied.

She nodded and then I led the way out of the airport. I realized that I didn't know how we were going to get to the hotel unless we took a taxi, a shuttle, or rented a car. I looked around for the car rental place when my eyes landed on a gentleman holding a placard with my name on it. I furrowed my eyebrows together confused. I walked over and stopped in front of him.

"Excuse me, sir, but who are you looking for," I asked.

"A Miss Madyson Lewis and her film crew," he answered.

"Who sent you," I asked.

"Your employers set it up," he replied.

"Okay, well my name is Madyson Lewis and my film crew and assistant are behind me. We really appreciate this," I said.

"I'm just doing my job," he stated simply.

I nodded and followed him outside of the airport. He led the way to a limousine and then loaded all of our suitcases and gear in the trunk. We all piled in and then the driver drove off towards our hotel. This was getting more amazing then I imagined it would be. I laid my head back on the seat and closed my eyes for a little bit because I was so tired. I don't think I've ever been this tired in my life. When we got to the hotel the driver helped us with our suitcases and then a bell hop took them onto a luggage trolley and followed us into the hotel. I went up to the front desk and then told them my name and they handed me a key to the top floor. They mentioned that the entire floor was reserved for Avenged and their guests. After getting into my room that I shared with Harmony I immediately went to bed because I was so damn tired.

The next couple of days were dedicated to fixing up the venue with cameras and making sure that they were placed right. I also had to make sure that the microphones that I was using to communicate with my crew were working properly. It was grueling work. At the end of the third day at the venue Harmony and I made it back to the hotel safely. The rest of the crew went off to go have dinner, but I stressed to them to not get drunk because we still had a lot of work to do in the next couple of days. They assured that they wouldn't be drinking until the job was completely done. I loved my film crew. They were always dedicated to their job and I felt honored to have found them to work for me when I had made the decision to expand to videos along with photography. Harmony and I ate dinner in the hotel room and then Harmony said that she was going for a swim.

I was in our room alone reading the latest book that I could get my hands on. A knock on the room door made me stop reading. I got up out of the bed and then went to the door. When I opened it I found myself looking at the Rev. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"So, I see that you made it safely. The venue people updated us on the progress of the filming crew and I have to say that we all like it," he said.

"When did you guys get in," I asked.

"A couple of hours ago actually," he said.

"Aren't you tired," I asked.

"A little, but I wanted to come see you," he said.

"Oh, okay, well, um, do you want to come in," I offered.

He nodded his head. I opened the door wider and then stepped aside. He entered the room and then I closed it behind him. I sat down on the bed that I was occupying and then waited for him to talk. Like I said earlier, I'm a bit shy, except for the times in high school that I hung out with him and his friends after he drove me home when I had gotten sick.

"So, I was wondering what high school you went to," he asked suddenly.

"Are you still trying to figure out if you've seen me before," I asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's been bugging me since the Chicago photo shoot," he admitted with a sly smile.

"Well, I did attend Huntington High for the last two years," I said.

"That's got to be it, but then again, I still don't remember if I ever met you," he said.

"You did because I remember. I was given a task to photograph the students being themselves around their friends and then in the classroom. It was too help someone write an article about the differences between the two. I was going around and snapping pictures galore when my camera lens landed on you and your group of friends. You were doing some sort of outrageous antic that made all of them laugh uncontrollably. I even found myself laughing. Then I had come down with a sudden bout of illness and you drove me home because I was feeling a bit dizzy," I told him.

"That's right, now I remember. That was a fun lunch period. I think I remember inviting you to sit with us at lunch when you came back after being sick," he said.

"Yep, and I remember being shy at first, but then you wouldn't leave me alone until I cracked some sort of smile and opened up. You annoyed the shit out of me sometimes. I also remember you wouldn't leave me alone when I was on an assignment to take pictures of the football game. You kept jumping in the way and blocking me," I said with a small laugh.

"Yep, I remember that day too now. That was quite fun to see you all hot and bothered like that. You were too cute and you still are," he said.

I felt my face grow warm after that. The rest of the night we just talked and had fun. There was even a time where we had a pillow fight. He was a lot of fun. He ended up going back to his room at about midnight. Harmony had come back shortly after and we both went to bed.

The next few days were dedicated to strictly work, but I caught The Rev, or Jimmy as he told me the night we hung out in my hotel room, looking at me occasionally. I could sort of tell that there was something there and I also felt something as well. The concert went perfectly and I had a blast listening to them play again. My crew filmed it to the wishes of Avenged and they were happy for it. It was nearing the time for me to go back to Chicago and I was going to miss the California sun. It was fun and I loved going to the beach at night and just listening to the wave's crash against the shore. Harmony didn't want to go back either, but she knew that our home was in Chicago so she packed. We were dropped off at the airport after a day of celebration with Avenged Sevenfold and Jimmy looked a bit sad that we were leaving.

The flight back to Chicago was uneventful and quite boring. When we all got back to Chicago I dropped the film crew that I had taken to the airport in the first place home and then I dropped Harmony off as well. It was a Thursday evening, but I told them to take Friday off because they did such a wonderful job on filming the concert and capturing everything. They were thankful for the three day weekend.

When I got home I was a bit disappointed because I had a ton of fun. I unpacked my suitcase and put my clean clothes away and then my dirty clothes in the hamper to get washed over the weekend. I had come home with a lot more Avenged Sevenfold merchandise and I was happy about that. I went to bed hoping that I didn't have much to do tomorrow. Harmony and the film crew that I took with me may have Friday off, but I wanted to go back to the studio and make sure everything was fine.

A few weeks after I had gotten back from Long Beach, California I was sitting in my apartment in the lounge clothes that I wore on the plane to Long Beach. They were comfortable so I opted to wearing them around my apartment. I was actually peering over some photos that I took while in Long Beach and my eyes were drawn to one of me and Jimmy. He had his arms around my waist and his chin was resting on my head, but he still had the biggest grin ever. My grin almost matched his. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness and mine had a sparkle as well. It was as if we were in a moment and the camera just captured it so that it would forever be there. I was going to buy a frame for it when I got a chance. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.
I went to my door and opened it up to find Jimmy standing there.

"I needed to see you. The time we spent in Long Beach wasn't enough. I came to ask you to move to Huntington and start a business there so that we can always see each other and never be without each other," he said.

"How am I supposed to start a business from scratch again," I asked.

"I'm sure you can manage a second time. You have a great sense of leadership and there are a lot of aspiring photographers looking for a job. If you need help, then I will help as much as I can. I just need to know if you will be my girlfriend and someday my wife," he said his eyes pleading with me.

My breath caught in my throat. I didn't think I left that much of an impression on him.

"Of course, I mean I haven't stopped thinking about you since I left," I admitted truthfully.

He smiled widely and picked me up and then swung me around.

"You can even bring Harmony because I know she keeps you grounded and she's an awesome assistant," he said.

"I'm sure she'll like that a lot," I smiled at him.

He kissed me then and I kissed him back. I was going back to California and I knew that I wasn't going to regret it. I showed Jimmy some of the pictures that I took while I was there and he liked the same one I was looking at before he showed up at my doorstep. I told him that it was going to be framed and that if he wanted a copy then I would make him one. He instantly agreed to that. I never thought that my life would change so much from a simple photo shoot of my favorite band for an entire week at my studio.

After I had gotten the offer to move back to California my original partner said that he would manage the Chicago studio for me while I started up the one in California. Needless to say, I am happy with how my life has changed. I have about three or four franchised studios all over America, but I will always reside with the one in California, but never forgetting that I got my start in Chicago.