Status: Finished

Waiting For a Miracle


Jack wouldn't talk to Deanna, he couldn't even look at her.

As much as he wanted to tell her it would be fine and he was happy she was happy, he couldn't.

John was the most hated man on warped tour, and it was only the day after everyone found out.

Everytime he walked by, the boys would start talking.

Neither of the two minded though, they didn't have to hide their relationship.

John and Deanna were walking back to his bus when boys were whispering about the two.

Deanna froze.

John stopped and stared at her.

"What's wrong?"

Memories flooded into her brain.

"John!" She shouted, "I remember!"

John was extremely upset, he knew this could happen, but he didn't expect it so soon.

She got excited and a smile formed on her face, "We were neighbors, you lived next door to me and-" She trailed off.

He got even more nervous, he didn't want to let go of her just yet.

John was finally getting something that he had always wanted and now she was being taken away from him by her own memory.

"And...." He chuckled nervously.

"And...." Deanna blushed, "I've sort of always liked you."

Deanna grinned.

"That's all you remember?" He smiled at her.

She nodded, excited that she was starting to remember more of her life.

John pulled her tightly against him and kissed her.

"John, as much as I would love to celebrate with you, I would really like to tell the others." Then she looked down, "and Jack, if he'll talk to me."

John wanted to tell Deanna it would be okay, but he couldn't, he knew Jack's life was Deanna.

He knew that, but why did he insist on being with Deanna.

John knew how much this was hurting Jack, but he couldn't say no to Deanna, he couldn't turn away from his fantasy.

A fantasy who wanted him back.

"Go." John said simply.

Deanna grabbed his hands, "Come with."