Status: Finished

Waiting For a Miracle


Jack had been thinking. Deanna isn't the first person to lose her memory, with a possibility of regaining it.

Maybe it was like in the movies, a kiss from the lover would bring her back.

Maybe Deanna was a sleeping Beauty or a Snow White.

To Jack, Deanna was sleeping, not awake or aware of her old life.

Deanna was the Damsel in Distress, and Jack was her Prince Charming that would save her from this nightmare.

Jack liked the thought.

He knew he needed a plan, because just plain old kissing HIS WIFE was out of the question.

John had been thinking, which wasn't good.

The guilt was settling in, it was like a thick fog that lied heavy on his chest.

The guilt was consuming him, and John couldn't take the stress from his fellow bands on Warped tour.

He really liked Deanna, maybe even has loved her all those years, but now was not a good time for the two.

They needed to wait, wait until things blew over.

Wait until the possibility of her remembering was gone.

He was not at all happy with the decision he had concluded to in his head, but he knew that for now, breaking up with Deanna was what would be best for everyone.

John went to go find his girlfriend, Jack's wife, and knew it was time to end this for now.

"Deanna." He called out.

Deanna heard her name, and instantly knew something was wrong.

John never called her Deanna, it was Dea, with an occasional Dee.

As she walked over to the area where he was standing she couldn't help but start to panic.

John didn't know if he could go through with his decision, the closer Deanna got to John, the closer he came to cracking.

She wrapped her Arms around Johns body and hugged tightly, him returning the action.

He grabbed her shaking hand and pulled her along on a path.


"John." Her voice too, was shaky.

He knew what he needed to do, and he was determined to get it done.

"Deanna, we need to separate."