Status: Finished

Waiting For a Miracle


Deanna clung to herself blocking out the words that were coming from John's mouth, she didn't care to listen.

What had she done wrong?

Halfway through the middle of his speech Deanna took off and ran back to the buses.

If John thought everyone hated him before, he would sure know what hate would feel like now.

Deanna ran onto All Time Low's bus.

The tears that were streaming down her face seemed as if they wouldn't stop.

She didn't know what she did wrong, and didn't listen when he was explaining.

Rian caught her as she was sitting on the couch crying.

"Deanna, what's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around Deanna.

He knew Jack should be the one comforting her.

"John broke up with me." She buried her head in his shoulder.

He whispered how sorry he was, knowing that's the thing to say in a situation like this.

The truth, Rian was glad this happened, then maybe it was a possibility of Deanna Barakat.

Alex walked in looking at the spectacle, he knew what was wrong, John just told him.

John told Alex and the rest of the world what happened, trying to clear his name but only looking like a bigger asshole because he hurt Deanna.

Alex took Rian's spot, comforting Deanna, but instead of telling her he was sorry, he told her it was fine, her and John were not meant to be together.

"At this point in time I would love my memory back." Deanna said.

"And why's that." Jack questioned sitting on the other side of Deanna.

Deanna turned to Jack and let his arms snake around her, "Because all the happy memories I have are with John, I have nothing happy to think about. If I knew what my life used to be, I could focus on happy things."

It made sense to everyone.

Alex and Rian took the silence as a chance to get out of the room and leave Deanna and Jack alone.

"Do you want to remember?" Jack questioned, "Like really want to remember."

More than anything was Deanna's reply.

"Don't hit me, don't get pissed," Were the last words to escape Jacks mouth before his lips were on Deanna's.

She kissed back, and she realized, the thing that was missing in John's kisses were fulfilled, she felt the spark that hadn't been there in John's kiss.

She laced her arms around his neck deepening the already intense kiss.

That's when realization hit Deanna.

"Jack! We can't do this!"

Jack felt hurt and upset.

His hopes were lost, Deanna was not going to regain her memory.

If she wasn't going to get her back that way, he was going to get her the way he did it the first time around.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

Deanna was hurt and upset, and Jack tries to kiss her.

Yet she was confused, why was their kiss so, for lack of better words, Magical?

She ran off the bus in order to clear her head and just think about what's went on in her "new" month life-span.