Status: Finished

Waiting For a Miracle


Deanna was forced to stay in the hospital for another week after her waking.

She was fine with that though, she didn't know where her home was though, she didn't think she had a home.

They told her she had just moved in with Jack, yet she didn't understand why, she didn't even know the guy.

Then again what did Deanna know, she only knew her name was Deanna because others told her.

She really didn't want to leave the hospital, she didn't want to leave this world of people she trusts, she didn't want to go into a world where she was forced to trust people who she "just met".

Jack was ecstatic, his wife was coming home, finally after a month and a half.

All he wanted was for her to remember him and for them to go back to their newly wed status.

Once her life was back to normal, his life would go back to normal, and then All time Low's band's life would go back to normal.

It was a chain reaction, and everyone was waiting for it to happen.

Waiting for a Miracle.

Waiting for something the doctor told them not to rely on, she may not remember, ever!

Everyone was praying on this miracle which has a high chance of not even happening.

Nobody wanted to think of it that way. Everyone NEEDED to think she was going to get better, for Jack's sake, for Jack's sanity.

If you could even call it that.

His sanity had crumbled away the month that she was in the hospital "sleeping"
There wasn't much remaining, if any at all.

"This is where I live?" Dee asked walking into the large open entry way, with a winding staircase.

Jack smiled proudly, "Yes, this is where WE live."

Everyone around him gave him a warning glance.

Dr. Reese said to try and help her remember, but not force it upon her, if she had any chance of remembering, it would come in random unexpected spurts.

"It's way more beautiful than what I expected." She glided her hand over the mahogany table.

"Thank you." Jack smiled proudly.

Deanna had decorated and chosen this house.

It was her pride and joy.

"I wish I could remember this." Deanna walked around and placed her hands on anything and everything.

"I wish you could too." Jack's face saddened, "I wish you could remember me, and them." He added the last part so he wouldn't get the warning looks this time.

"But Dr. Reese said to not try so hard to remember, let it come naturally." Paul reminded.

"I hate this already." Deanna admitted, "You don't know what it feels like. I feel like I'm in a cave that is completely dark, and I'm trying to find a way around, this is hard and stressful. I hate it!"

"None of us like it either, but we are all going to do what we can to make this easy for you." Alex placed a comforting hand on her shoulder."

"So where is my room?" She asked.

Jack's heart sank.

This was the part he didn't like,

He had to prepare their house for her, removing their pictures, moving her stuff to a guest room, and then one last thing that broke his heart.

He took her wedding ring, when she was "sleeping", and his, when she "woke up" and placed them on a silver chain which now hangs around his neck.

Conveniently placed over his heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
from my quizilla