Status: Finished

Waiting For a Miracle


what are you doing? --John O

Meh, not much, waiting for the guys to get up-- Dee

Lame come visit me then

Be there in a minute.

The day after the kick off party and everyone but Deanna and John had a hangover.

Deanna couldn't drink because she was on too many meds, and John just wanted to support Dee.

She left a note for the silently sleeping boys, fixing her hair so she looked decent she rushed out.

A smile was plastered to her face.

Dee knocked once on the Maines bus door, and instantly it was opened by John who shushed her instantly, "The boys are sleeping."

He grabbed her delicate hand and led her up the steep bus steps.

Deanna pulled him to the couch and sat down.

"John O." She said simply feeling how the words felt on her tongue.

"Deanna Bar-" He stopped himself.

Upset, he didn't want to think of her as Deanna Barakat.

Deanna O. He liked that.

"What?" She looked at him with a smile, "What were you going to say?"

He didn't know how he was going to get out of this mess.

He just about called her Deanna Barakat, so he pushed her down and connected his lips to her pink ones.

He hoped this would take his previous comment off her mind, and it did.

All Deanna could think about was John's lips and how they felt on hers.

How great they felt, yet at the same time, her lips felt amazing, but something in her heart felt out of place.

She continued to kiss John, and the two's body temperature started to rise.

That is until Kenny cleared his throat.

John slowly pulled away, he chuckled out of awkarwdness.

"Dee! What the hell?! What about-" Before he could finish his sentence John already had Kenny shoved into the area by the bunks.

"Dude, what the hell, she's married, her husband's here, her husband's band supports us." Kenny couldn't believe this.

He knew John had no shame, but Dee, why would she do this.

John explained to him, but he didn't need to explain his attraction to Kenny, everyone in the band knew about it.

"Are you sure you want to do this, she's married, and if she comes out of this, you're going to get hurt."

John knew that, but it's been said, she has a better chance of not remembering than of remembering.

"Dude, if she doesn't come out of this, she can't not live a life." John had thought to him.

Kenny thought for a moment, "you're right, and if anyone would make her happy besides Jack it would be you."

"Don't say his name." Everytime John heard Jack, guilt washed over him.

"I just don't want to be around when Jack finds out about the two of you."

And Kenny was right, this would destroy Jack.
♠ ♠ ♠
from my quizilla