The Only Exception

Chapter 3 part 2

Harlow doubted that Alex had ever moved so quickly in his life as he darted down the otherwise empty hallways before skidding into a sideroom so fast that Harlow had to double back, out of breath and almost impressed at her boyfriend's determination.
She paused in the doorway, taking a deep breath to steady herself,
You can do this Harl, just walk through the door...

Alex's knees gave out as he reached the crisp bed in which his would-be-fiance laid motionless, his scrawny frame blocking Harlow's view of herself. She watched, frozen, as the man who never cried at anything began to shake before his whole body shuddered sending him to his jean clad knees and a heartwrenching sob filled the silent room. Suddenly she was terrified.
Is it really that bad? Am i unrecognizable? Broken?
Cautiously Harlow padded towards him, being carefull not to tred on the shattered pieces of his heart that lay strewn across the lino flooring. She longed to touch him but knew it was useless, the person on which she always leaned on was smashed and she'd have to stand on her own two feet this time.

After a few moments of physcing herself up, Harlow finally gathered enough strength to peer over her sobbing boyfriends shoulder, sucking in a shallow breath at the sight that lay before her, suddenly understanding Alex's reaction.

She looked nothing like the girl that she had seen that morning in the mirror, her once tanned skin was now drained of all her natural colour, stained randomly with purple and blue bruises, slashed through by bright red cuts and grazes; but that was just the skin on show. Her forehead was wrapped in a white bandaged which was dappled with red from where the blood had seeped through, her right arm encased in a light green cast, that was strapped across her limp body. The whole left side of her face was bruised and swollen, disforming the usual heart shape that always sported a bright grin. The girl in the sterile bed was a million miles away from the girl Alex was in love with, a million miles away from the girl that always skipped when she walked and sang just to fill the silence.Harlow barely recognized herself, the only thing that remained the samewas the silver promise ring that dangeled around her neck, shining in the floresent light of the hospital and her bright red hair which was fanned across the too thin pillow.

But it was her and she was still there, still alive, if just barely. The heart moniter proved this as it beeped contiuosly keeping a steady beat whilst her chest rose and fell almost in usion. Two tell tale signs, making it as clear as day. Harlow was alive, but somehow she wasnt in her body. Silently she swallowed the lump that had lodged itself in her throat as panic leaked into her veins. It was all too much, too surreal. Their was no way this was possible, but somehow she was living it.
"What now? Huh!? This is soooo messed up! Am i dying?" She yelled at the ceiling as if it would answer her in her near hysterical state, "Am i stuck in this freaking hospital! Am i some kindof trapped ghost!" her accusing gaze fell on Alex's heartbroken, " Am i going to leave Alex behind?" she whispered in vain wiping at the tears which cascaded down her red hot cheeks.

"Well, that all depends on your unfinished buisness doll." A soft, comforting voice almost chuckled, startling Harlow causing her to spin on her heel. "Wh..who are you? What do you.. mean?" She stuttered as she took the stranger in, her happiness at someone being able to see her mixing with suspision as to how.

The man chucked nervously, under her intense stare, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
"That doll, is a long story, but i guess we've both got the time, huh?"
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Okay! I'm up and running again, i finally have a pc that has internet ALL the time!
Hope this is good enough to make up for the wait, ive got the story written up to about 2 chapters on from this so its just a matter of me typing it up lol. Anyways more to come. 2 guesses as to who the new guy is?
Thanks for reading, and as always comments are welcomed with open arms and cookies.