Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

Summers Are Mean't For Staying At Home.

Summers in France, where like a tootsie roll- Unpredictably different- To everyone when they tried to lick it to get to the center. Every year was the same, and I was stupid for ever believing this one was different. Once again Mom and Dad, packed me up and shipped me off to France to stay with Aunt Eliza and Uncle Frudrick. Not that I have a problem with this- I just want a normal vacation at home for once- Is that so much to ask? I sighed staring out my bedroom window, from the chateau. Yes, you heard me right, I said bedroom. I came so often, they made it my bedroom instead of the guest one. I snorted. Quite ironic how my Uncle and Aunt knew more about me then my own parents.
"Samantha, Que faites-vous?"
I sighed and got up, walking slowly to were my aunt was. "Rien... Maintenant, la tante Aliza."
She grinned, "Merci. J'ai prepare` une tarte."
"Non Merci."
She nodded her head, turned on her heels and left to attend to Jacob-My little Le cousin. He was a little devil alright and only three-He'd probably been flinging poor Aunt Eliza’s tart around the kitchen. It made me feel worse I'd reclined the offer, now that I thought about it.
But I didn't want to keep wallowing in myself pity. I took in a shallow breath and walked to my room. It never failed to amaze me how I managed to keep all this anger locked up inside anymore. Silencing the quiet pleas of yelling hard and loud, I grasped my green coat from the hook and the tattered white script that I was to learn before next summer. My feet shuffled out the door and didn't stop once I was out the sturdy automatic gates, past all the flashy and fancy houses and waiters and butlers, until I reached the City. Paris living was nice, in reality, And I love the fact it is near water. The cafes were nice, and most people were genuinely happy and friendly. I walked down the streets, which, surprisingly today seemed to be less packed and hasty. I settled for a little wooden bench just outside my favorite store- An antique one. Opening the thick script, I turned to the page I was last on, scanning the contents. This script was big-Huge infact, and there were lots of lines. Lines, lines, lines and more lines. A lot to learn, too. I sighed in defeat and decided I'd have to learn them, and having the time now, I may as well at least read it.
"Bonjour, parlez-vous francais?"
The voice startled me, and I jumped up in surprise. It was sweet sounding- Alittle low, but musical...And American. I regained my posture and removed my hand from my heart. My feet looked oddly interesting. "Je parle un peu francais." I bit my lip, it was true I could speak alittle French, but I could not talk in complex sentences. I looked up and swallowed back the gasp, and immediately looked away from his piercing stare. He. Was. Pretty. There I said it. He muttered a low chuckle, as I gazed around the seemingly deserted street, catching the faces of a few astonished people. I looked back up and shielded my eyes from the burning sun. "Est-ce que vous avez quelque chose a` de`clarer?"
His eyebrows knotted together, and his lips pressed together funnily in thought. Must be a tourist. "Qu'est-ce que cela veut dire?" He said, though by the way he said it, he obviously wasn't confident with his words. Either that, or he was just learning French.
I sighed, wondering why this stranger was so compelled in annoying me. "Ca ne fait rien!"
He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets. A low breath escaped his lips in a sliver puff. "Comment vous applez-vous?" It came out in a bare whisper, and he looked away, like he was searching for someone. That's nice. Maybe then he'll leave me alone. I took one look at him, and laughed at how much he was struggling. "My name is Samantha."
He sighed and his tense demeanor dropped along with his frown. "So you do speak English."
I shrugged. "Oui."
A glimmer of something I couldn't put my finger on, flickered through his eyes for a brief moment, and he smiled at my humor.
'Etes-vous occupe` ?"
I sighed. He obviously wasn't going away anytime soon. I glanced down at my script and glanced up again at the brown eyed boy and sighed. "Je suis occupe`."
He sighed, pouted and shrugged. "Why can't you just talk to me in English? It'd hurt a lot less, if you stopped talking in that pretty accent."
I shrugged again. His lips pulled into a fine line, which suddenly disappeared and his eyes grew wider. It's like he had some master plan. Maybe he did. I thought about getting up...Maybe I should go back now... "Attendez!" He said quickly, as I scrambled to my feet. I turned around and frowned. What now? Hadn't this American boy annoyed me enough already? Wasn't the joke over?
I sighed, I may as well answer or he'll never leave me be. "Oui?"
"Desolee`, s'il vous plait, Je Veux anvoyer cette lettre par la poste et ce paquet par avion?"
Parcel? Letter? I looked at his empty hands and glared. "J'en ai mare de toi!"
He walked hurridely after me and grasped my arm. I gasped and ripped it away. "C'est marre!"
"Awwe, don't be mad, Samantha...I-I... Etes-vous occupe` ?" It came out as a plead, but I didn't want to go anywhere with him. Well..He implied it, I suppose.
"Oui! Please, leave me be, I just want to read." I stretched the word leave feebly, holding my hands out to show him how much this was confusing me. He cocked his head in thought before grasping my hand and tugging me along into a run. I was beyond in shock.
"Que faites-vous?!" I gasped out, as the wind hit my face tossing my brown locks around in the air like a washing machine. He kept grinning. "Samantha, calm down. And speak English, I can't understand you, you know."
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled, as he yanked me closer and closer to the Eiffel tower. I watched all the buildings disappear in horror. The fear rippled through me, but it was mixed with excitement. It made me mad, I was thrilled with adventure. But not this type.

"Je suis occupe`!" I cried, "Je suis occupe`!" He was getting on my nerves, and I was busy. He just needed to leave me alone !
The stranger pulled me further away, and eventually I gave up trying to resist. I let him pull me away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the symbols, while she was talking in french. Talking to the stranger was a one off (In french) And she'll only ever talk french to her aunty and uncle.