Sequel: Time Will Tell.
Status: Finished and posting sequel, 'Time Will Tell.' :)

You Found Me

I Want To Go Home.

As my eyes opened to the familiar sounds of my girl.
I saw Nick with a Gibson SG.
I saw his cheesy grin. I had to laugh even looking at him. I suppose that was the aim, because his beam grew larger.

I wondered where Jodie and the rest of the Group was
“Oh Samantha you had us so worried!" Jodie gasped, clutching her heart for emphasis.
"You know you can’t drink milk.” Uncle Frudrick scolded me. My aunt, stood wearily on this side, with her hands clutched so tightly together, her knuckles turned white. They were shaking. A grimace wore her face which quickly melted into a look of surpass amounts of emotion as she practically pounced on me. " Y-o-ou," She stuttered, licking her lips and trying to pronounce the words clearly. "Y-o-o-ou, h-av..." Her words trailed off and she burst into tears. She was silenced into tremendous sobs, which soaked Uncle's huge jacket.
I didn't understand. I had...what? Her emotions seemed to turn on as easy breezy as we changed taps from hot to cold. I guess she was just worried about my allergic reaction.

“I didn’t know Joe put it into the coffee. I-II...I am sorry I didn’t mean to worry anyone.” I could feel the tears running down my face. I felt pathetic. Especially waking up in a hospital like this.

“Hush now baby girl, everything is going to be fine.” Frudrick whispered as he embraced me.

“You have to stay in the hospital for a few days but after that you can come home...But don’t think for a moment that we have let you off the hook for staying out all night and telling us ! You might be able to get away with it at home but not here lady.” Frudrick’s heavy accentuated French tones filled the room. I suppose that happens when you have lived in another country for a number of years.

I spent the next few days mulling over the question that Jodie had asked me

If you could have a baby for me....

Maybe I could, I mean if it wasn’t for Jodie and Nick’s fast acting then I could be dead now, but then there was no promise that I could get pregnant.
How would it happen, would me and Nick have to sleep together or would be done with tubes and pots. Whichever way I really did not want to resort to the first option. Nick was not my love. He was neither my life nor my sunshine. He belonged to Jodie and only Jodie. He was her air that she breathed and vice versa. I could never take that from her. Ever. I didn't like him like that anyway. I am confused. My head hurts and I want to go home.
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Hope you liked it <3
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